Fig. 2.
Carbon sources mediate antibiotic–genetic interactions of essential bacterial functions. (A) Heatmap of hypomorph mutants shown as log2 fold change of 0.65× GR50 of INH, RIF, and MOX against untreated controls. Results shown as means from five biological replicates. Each antibiotic (INH, RIF, and MOX) in a single carbon source (glycerol, acetate, and cholesterol) conditions were compared using hierarchical clustering methods. (B) Venn diagrams showing the total number of genes with log2FC > −1 and P < 0.05 at 0.65× GR50 of INH, RIF, and MOX, and the % of genes associated with specific conditions. (C) Relative abundance datasets of the hypomorph libraries from glycerol (black), acetate (blue), and cholesterol (red) growth conditions with 0.65× GR50 INH (triangle) and RIF (square) treatment as well as untreated controls (circle) were examined using principal component analysis. Units shown on axes are arbitrary values in principal component space.