Fig. 1.
miR-29a is a key memory CD8 T cell–specific miR dysregulated during exhaustion. C57/BL6 mice were infected with LCMV Arm (acute) or LCMV clone 13 (chronic). At d8 and d30 p.i., LCMV Db gp-33–specific CD8 T cells were purified from spleens and their miR profile was examined. As a control, TN were purified. (A) Principal component analysis (PCA) among TN, TEFF, and TMEM. Heat map and Venn diagram showing the DE miRs with FDR < 0.05. (B) PCA among TN, TEE, and TMEM. Heat map and Venn diagram showing the DE miRs with FDR < 0.05. (C) The DE miRs between CD8 T cells responding to acute and chronic infection were used to create a list of predicted mRNA targets using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. A list of DE mRNAs between CD8 T cells responding to acute and chronic infection was created from ref. 31. The DE mRNA list was used to filter the miRNA target list and select only the miRNA targets that were DE during the same time point but in the opposite direction of the miRNA. The filtered miRNA target list, together with the list of DE miRs, was then used to create a network of miRs and their predicted targets that were DE between acute and chronic infection at d30 p.i.