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. 2022 May 3;100(6):skac159. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac159

Table 2.

Performance and carcass characteristics of heifers fed diets containing dried corn distillers grains plus solubles or hempseed cake

Treatments1 SEM P-value
Initial BW, kg 493 497 17 0.80
Final BW, kg 699 683 7.4 0.05
DMI, kg 14.16 14.13 0.36 0.95
ADG, kg 1.83 1.69 0.07 0.05
G:F 0.130 0.120 0.004 0.02
NEm, Mcal/kg feed 1.92 1.82 0.04 0.02
NEg, Mcal/kg feed 1.28 1.19 0.04 0.02
Carcass characteristics
HCW, kg 422 411 4.9 0.03
Dressing, % 60.44 60.51 0.5 0.90
LM area, cm2 96.6 94.0 2.8 0.37
Fat thickness, cm 1.74 1.66 0.16 0.61
Marbling score3 512 498 21 0.48
Calculated YG4 3.41 3.35 0.24 0.81

Treatments consisted of 20% DDGS or 20% Hemp (DM basis) in a finishing ration.

Performance measures were analyzed over the 111-d feeding period.

Marbling score: 400 = Slight00, 450 = Slight50, 500 = Small, etc.

Yield grade (YG) = 2.50 + (0.9843 × rib fat thickness, cm) + (0.2 × 2.5% kidney, pelvic, and heart fat) + (0.0084 × hot carcass weight) − (0.496 × LM area, cm2; USDA, 2017).

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure