FIG. 3.
Taxonomy, diversity and biomarker microbiome analysis in stool samples from APECED patients with and without APAH. (A) Relative abundance of taxa at order taxonomy rank. (B) comparison of alpha diversity calculations using Chao1 species richness and Shannon diversity indices. (C) Principle Coordinates Analysis based on unweighted UniFrac. In addition to using colors to separate patients with or without APAH, the plot uses circles and triangles to indicate the sex of patients. (D) Results of biomarker discovery using LEfSe algorithms; the taxa with higher abundance in APAH samples and significant LDA score are shown in green color. Abbreviations: APECED, Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-Candidiasis-Ectodermal dystrophy; APAH, APECED-associated hepatitis; LDA, linear discriminant analysis; PC, principle coordinates.