a, Distance traveled (p=0.06), time in center (p=0.01), and thigmotaxis time (p=0.007), during open field test over a period of 10 minutes (distance traveled data was also shown in Extended Data Fig. 2g) (4EP- n=21, 4EP+ n=24). b, Time spent in the open arms of the elevated plus maze (EPM) (left)(p=0.02) and ratio of time spent in the open/time spent in the closed arms of the EPM (right) (4EP- n=21, 4EP+ n=24). c, Light/dark box: time mice spent in the open, lit portion of the arena. Test time, 10 minutes (4EP- n=25, 4EP+ n=23) p=0.02. d, Grooming: total time mice spent self-grooming over a period of 10 minutes (4EP- n=27, 4EP+ n=24). e, Social interaction: with an unfamiliar, age-matched male intruder. Total time socializing (left) and percent of total socializing that is anogenital sniffing (right) (4EP- n=25, 4EP+ n=22) p=0.0009. f, Ultrasonic vocalization: time spent vocalizing to an unfamiliar, age-matched female for 3 minutes (4EP- n=23, 4EP+ n=21) p=0.01. g, Novel object recognition (NOR): time spent investigating a novel object when presented with a novel and a familiar object (n=22). h, Y-maze alternations: percent of times mice repeated entry into an arm it had just visited rather than alternate to all arms in succession (4EP- n=15, 4EP+ n=16). i, Beam traversal: time required for the mouse to cross the narrowing beam (4EP- n=19, 4EP+ n=22). j, Pole descent: time required for the mouse to descend from the pole to the home cage (4EP- n=19, 4EP+ n=22). k, Wire hang: time the mouse hung on and explored the underside of the wire grid before releasing into cage below (4EP- n=19, 4EP+ n=22). l, Fecal 16s profiles of 4EP+/− mice after behavior tests, where tan is the colonization group and contamination from exposure to behavior tests is colored according to the legend (left panel) and a magnified view of contaminants only (right panel) (4EP- n=8, 4EP+ n=10). Two independent cohorts of mice from multiple litters were used for each experiment in this figure. Data a-k represent mean ± SEM analyzed by two-tailed Welch’s t-test. * p ≤ 0.05; ** p ≤ 0.01.