A–C) Cell-type-specific expression of nuclear membrane tag (Sun1-sfGFP-myc) in non-inhibitory NEUROD6+ neurons in mouse brain. (
A) Overview (10× magnification) of a sagittal section stained with anti-GFP antibody. Note that the Sun1-sfGFP nuclear tag expression is region-specific, as described for the characterization of the NexCre mouse line (
Goebbels et al., 2006). The numbered insets in (
A) are enlarged and shown in (
B), as example regions where the nuclear membrane tag is expressed (mPFC and CA1 hippocampal region) and where it is not (caudate putamen and thalamus). (
C) Confocal images (60× magnification, maximum intensity projection) of mouse brain slices (40 µm thick) triple-labeled with antibodies anti-GFP (Sun1-sfGFP-tag, green channel), anti-GAD67 (inhibitory cells marker, red channel), and anti-NeuN (neuronal marker, gray). Note that Sun1-sfGFP-tag is only expressed in neurons that are not inhibitory. (
D) Expression of pan-neuronal, excitatory, and inhibitory neuron marker genes in our RNA-seq data. TPM, transcripts per million.