A) Schematics of
dcp2 alleles harboring different combinations of deletions of the Upf1-binding motifs, the Edc3-binding motif, and the leucine-rich Pat1-binding motifs. Each of these
dcp2 alleles contains a triple HA-tag at its N-terminus and was integrated at the
DCP2 genomic locus for phenotypic analysis of mRNA decay. Specific element deletions are marked by filled triangles. (
B) Northern analyses of the consequences of simultaneous loss of the Dcp2 Upf1-binding motifs and leucine-rich motifs, and the roles of single Dcp2 Edc3- or Upf1-binding motifs. The northern blots shown here are same as those in
Figure 4C but contain matched loading control
SCR1 blots. In all blots, lower case letters denote
SCR1 blots duplicated for clarity of presentation.