Treatment center |
Patient age, sex, and weight |
Results of contemporaneous laboratory investigations, including liver biochemistry, renal biochemistry, full blood count and blood clotting |
Use of UDCA and dose, or documented reason for non-use of UDCA, where applicable |
Record of response to UDCA |
Record of risk stratification |
Referral of UDCA non-responders for SLT, where applicable, or documented reason for non-referral of UDCA non-responder for SLT, where applicable |
Use of OCA and dose, where applicable |
Use of fibrates and dose, where applicable |
Record of assessment for pruritus and fatigue |
Use of specific anti-pruritic treatment (e.g. cholestyramine or rifampicin), where applicable |
Record of BMD assessment (FRAX score or DEXA scan) within the last five years, and actions taken, if applicable |
Record of HCC surveillance, where applicable |
Record of GOV screening, where applicable |
Record liver biopsy, where applicable |
Record of referral to a liver transplant center, where applicable |