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. 2022 Jun 7;40(32):4424–4431. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.05.090

Table 1.

Socio-demographic, clinical and study features of RECoVERED study participants with at least 3 months of follow-up, stratified by those who did and did not develop PASC.

Total PASC status
N = 316 N = 130 N = 186
Sex 0.20
 Male 181 (57%) 80 (62%) 101 (54%)
 Female 135 (43%) 50 (38%) 85 (46%)
Age, years 51.0 (36.0–62.0) 46.0 (32.0–57.0) 53.5 (41.0–64.0) <0.001
Clinical severity score <0.001
 Mild 92 (29%) 61 (47%) 31 (17%)
 Moderate 142 (45%) 52 (40%) 90 (48%)
 Severe/critical 82 (26%) 17 (13%) 65 (35%)
BMI, kg/m2 26.0 (23.2–29.4) 25.1 (22.9–27.7) 26.8 (23.7–31.0) 0.0020
BMI category 0.027
 Normal weight 130 (41%) 62 (48%) 68 (37%)
 Overweight 105 (33%) 43 (33%) 62 (33%)
 Obese 71 (22%) 20 (15%) 51 (27%)
 Missing 10 (3%) 5 (4%) 5 (3%)
Migration background 0.25
 Dutch 187 (59%) 78 (60%) 109 (59%)
 Non-Dutch, OECD high-income 39 (12%) 20 (15%) 19 (10%)
 Non-Dutch, OECD low/middle income 74 (23%) 26 (20%) 48 (26%)
 Missing 16 (5%) 6 (5%) 10 (5%)
Highest level of education <0.001
 None, primary or secondary education 42 (13%) 8 (6%) 34 (18%)
 Vocational training 73 (23%) 24 (18%) 49 (26%)
 University education 181 (57%) 93 (72%) 88 (47%)
 Missing 20 (6%) 5 (4%) 15 (8%)
Number of COVID-19 high-risk comorbidities 0.035
 0 178 (56%) 85 (65%) 93 (50%)
 1 73 (23%) 27 (21%) 46 (25%)
 2 37 (12%) 10 (8%) 27 (15%)
 3 or more 28 (9%) 8 (6%) 20 (11%)

PASC status

Total No PASC PASC p-value

N = 316 N = 130 N = 186

Place of recruitment <0.001
 Non-hospital (PHSA) 156 (49%) 93 (72%) 63 (34%)
 Hospital 160 (51%) 37 (28%) 123 (66%)
Days from illness onset to COVID-19 diagnosis 5 (2–10) 4 (2–8) 6 (2–11) 0.064
Days from illness onset to inclusion in study 12 (6–42) 9 (5–17) 17 (9–80) <0.001
Follow-up time from enrolment in study 369.5 (238.5–496.0) 363.0 (287.0–482.0) 375.5 (216.0–502.0) 0.65
Admitted to hospital for COVID-19 153 (48%) 36 (28%) 117 (63%) <0.001
 Days from illness onset to hospitalisation 9 (7–14) 10 (7–13) 9 (7–14) 0.98
Admitted to ICU for COVID-19 42 (13%) 9 (7%) 33 (18%) 0.005
 Days from illness onset to ICU admission 10 (8–12) 10 (9–12) 10 (7–12) 0.86
Vaccinated during follow-up 217 (69%) 97 (75%) 120 (65%) 0.076
Vaccine type 0.67
 Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2) mRNA 197 (62%) 86 (66%) 111 (60%)
 Moderna mRNA 9 (3%) 5 (4%) 4 (2%)
 AstraZeneca 8 (3%) 5 (4%) 3 (2%)
 Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) 2 (1%) 1 (1%) 1 (1%)
 Unvaccinated 99 (32%) 33 (25%) 66 (35%)
 Missing 1 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%)
Time from illness onset to first vaccination, days 247 (144–364) 194 (130–301) 271 (158–387) NA
Lost to follow-up 55 23 32 NA

BMI = Body mass index; HIC = high-income country; HR = heart rate; LMIC = low- or middle income country; ICU = Intensive Care Unit; NA = Not applicable; OECD = Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; PASC = Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19; PHSA = Public Health Service of Amsterdam; RR = respiratory rate; SpO2 = oxygen saturation; UMC = University Medical Centres.

Continuous variables presented as median (IQR) and compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test; categorical and binary variables presented as n (%) and compared using the Pearson χ2 test (or Fisher exact test if n < 5).

Clinical severity groups defined as: mild as having a RR < 20/min and SpO2 on room air >94% at both D0 and D7 study visits; moderate disease as having a RR 20–30/min, SpO2 90–94% and/or receiving oxygen therapy at D0 or D7; severe disease as having a RR > 30/min or SpO2 < 90% at D0 or D7; critical disease as requiring ICU admission.

BMI categories defined as: <25 kg/m2 normal or underweight; 25–29 kg/m2 overweight; ≥30 kg/m2 obese.

Migration background was defined as Dutch and non-Dutch based on the country of birth of the participant and their parents; those of non-Dutch background were further classified as originating from a high-income (HIC) or low-/middle-income country (LMIC), according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

High-risk COVID-19 comorbidities are defined as listed by the WHO Clinical Management Guidelines and include: cardiovascular disease (including hypertension), chronic pulmonary disease (excluding asthma), renal disease, liver disease, cancer, immunosuppression (excluding HIV, including previous organ transplantation), previous psychiatric illness and dementia.