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. 2022 May 24;9:858977. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.858977

Table 4.

Fertility awareness-based methods and time to pregnancy in women or couples with no known subfertility trying to conceive.

N Population Mean women's age (years) Study design Follow-up duration FABM Major findings References
5,376 Sweden, UK, USA 31.8 Cohort Up to 12 cycles Natural Cycles Cumulative pregnancy at 12 cycles 74%; median 4 cycles to pregnancy; for women <35 years with regular cycles, 95% and median 2 cycles to pregnancy Favaro et al. (70)
8,363 North America, recruited online 29.9 Cohort Up to 1 year Multiple Among women using an app together with cervical fluid, basal body temperature, and/or urine LH: fecundability ratio* 1.21–1.26 Stanford et al. (71)
785 UK, recruited online 30 Randomized trial Up to 2 cycles Clearblue Connected Ovulation Test System® After 2 cycles, 36.2% pregnant in FABM arm; 28.6% pregnant in control arm Johnson et al. (72)
2,874 84% from Sweden; online 28.1 Cohort Up to 13 cycles Natural Cycles Recent use of hormonal contraception: mean 3.7 cycles to pregnancy; no recent hormonal contraception: mean 2.3 cycles to pregnancy Berglund Scherwitzl et al. (73)
256 North America 29.2 Cohort Up to 24 cycles Marquette Cumulative pregnancy rates by cycle 12 was 83% (monitor only), 72% (mucus only) and 75% (monitor and mucus) Bouchard et al. (74)
124 Women recruited online 29.5 Cohort Up to 1 year Marquette With intercourse on high fertile days, 87% pregnant at 1 year Mu and Fehring (75)
69 in CrM group Women in Utah, all parous 28.2 Randomized trial Up to 9 months Creighton Model Cumulative pregnancy 93% by cycle 7 of trying to conceive in CrM group; no significant difference from non-CrM group; randomized trial was confounded by instruction to avoid pregnancy in first cycle Stanford et al. (76)
331 Women in North Carolina 30% >35 years Cohort Up to 12 months Cervical fluid Among women consistently observing cervical fluid: fecundability ratio* 2.3 Evans-Hoeker et al. (77)
346 German couples 29.0 Cohort Up to 6 months Sensiplan Cumulative pregnancy proportion by 6 months: 92% Gnoth et al. (78)

The fecundability ratio is the relative probability of conceiving per menstrual cycle; a higher fecundability ratio results in shorter time to pregnancy.