(A) Electrochemical
image of the measured current density on a
polycrystalline Cu surface, extracted from the potentiodynamic SECCM
movie (Movie S3) at E =
−1.05 V vs Ag/AgCl. (B) Co-located EBSD map.
The scan covers a 100 × 100 μm2 area comprising
2500 pixels. SECCM mapping was conducted with a nanopipette filled
with 10 mM KHCO3 in a CO2 environmental cell.
(C) Averaged linear sweep voltammograms collected on low-index grains
[(100), (111), and (110)] which are identified as (i, ii, and iii)
in (A) and (B). Shown on linear sweep voltammograms are the average
current density–voltage curves (solid lines) ± one standard
deviation (dotted lines), obtained from 13, 78, and 39 independent
linear sweep voltammograms selected from grains (100), (111), and
(110), respectively. (D) Histograms of peak position values for the
Cu(111) and (100) LSV data from (C). (E) Spatially resolved peak potential
map, extracted from individual linear sweep voltammograms. In this
map, pixels with peakless linear sweep voltammograms are colored gray.