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. 2022 Jun 7;22:1134. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-13438-9

Table 4.

Estimated total effect and standardised mediator effect (proportion eliminated by mediation) from included studies (n = 22)

Paper Effect of SES on PTB (95% confidence interval if available) Mediator Prevalence of mediator in sample Proportion eliminated (95% confidence interval if available)
Poulsen et al. (2019) [33] Denmark Total effect RD: 2.0 (1.4, 2.5) excess PTB/100 singleton deliveries Smoking 17% total; 39% short education, 8% long 22% (11%, 31%)a
Poulsen et al. (2019) [33] Netherlands Total effect RD: 3.2 (0.8, 5.2) 19% total; 41% short education, 7% long 10% (-22%, 29%)
Poulsen et al. (2019) [33] Norway Total effect RD: 2.0 (0.9, 3.0) 9% total; 34% short education, 4% long 19% (-1%, 29%)a
Ross et al. (2019) [34] Direct coefficient: 0.072* Total effect coefficient 0.077 Pre-eclampsia 5% in black women, 3% in white women 6.5%a
Dolatian et al. (2014) [35] Direct coefficient: 0.06* Total effect coefficient: 0.06126* Perceived stress Mean 11.8%a
Perceived social support through stress Mean Mediated effect in opposite directiona
Combined 2.1%a
Clayborne et al. (2017) [36] Total effect OR: 0.91 (0.64, 1.31) Pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) Mean Cannot be estimated
Gestational weight gain Mean Cannot be estimated
Combined Cannot be estimateda
Dooley (2009) [37] (PhD thesis) Direct effect: 43.29% increase in odds/standard deviation increase. Total effect**: 46.01%* Medical risk 13% 2.9%a
Smoking 13% 3.0%a
Perceived neighbourhood support Mean No indirect effect
Mehra et al. (2019) [38] Direct effect coefficient: 0.036. Total effect coefficient: 0.059* Hypertension 10% 22.0%a
Infection 28% 16.9%a
Meng et al. (2013) [39] Total effect coefficient: 0.981 (0.626–1.337) SES-related support Composite measure 11.7%a
Psychosocial Composite measure 2.1%a
Behavioural Composite measure 5.5%a
Health Composite measure 6.4%a
Mirabzadeh et al. (2013) [40] Total effect coefficient: 0.1441a Perceived social support through stress Mean 8.1%a
Stress, depression, and anxiety Mean 22.5%a
Combined 30.6%a
Misra et al. (2001) [41] Total effect OR: 2.85 (1.85–4.40) Psychosocial factors only 26% severe stress 44%
Biomedical and psychosocial factors 5% chronic disease 64%
Nkansah-Amankra et al. (2010) [42] Total effect OR 1.34 (0.80–2.25) Maternal stress (emotional, financial, spousal-related, traumatic) 14% low poverty, 57% high poverty No significant total effect
Räisänen et al. (2013) [43] Total effect OR: Extremely PTB 1.61 (1.38–1.89); Very PTB 1.48 (1.31–1.68); Moderately PTB 1.27 (1.22–1.32) Smoking 12% to 18% by gestational age category 26% for extremely PTB 33% for very PTB 30% for moderately PTB
Other factors and smoking Composite measure 39% for extremely PTB 50% for very PTB 41% for moderately PTB
Ahern et al. (2003) [44] African-American Total effect parameter estimate proportion unemployed: 44.4* Cigarettes per day Mean 3%
Ahern et al. (2003) [44] White Total effect parameter estimate change in unemployed: -3.32 No significant total effect
Amegah et al. (2013) [45] Total effect RR: 1.83 (1.31–2.56) Malaria infection during pregnancy 48% No effect
Pre-pregnancy BMI 33% healthy weight 17%
Cooking fuel used 18% LPG, 24% charcoal, 5% firewood 22%
Combined 30%
van den Berg et al. (2012) [46] Total effect OR: 1.95 (1.19–3.20) Smoking 7% total, 33% in low educated, 2% in high educated 43%
Smoking and environmental tobacco exposure 6% total, 27% in low educated, 1% in high educated 39%
Morgen et al. (2008) [47] HR primiparous: 1.22 (1.04–1.42) HR multiparous: 1.56 (1.31–1.87) Smoking 26% to 35% by gestational age category 5% in primiparous 23% in multiparous
Alcohol 40% to 45% by gestational age category 5% in primiparous 4% in multiparous
Binge drinking 25% to 26% by gestational age category 5% in primiparous no effect in multiparous
Pre-pregnancy BMI Mean 9% in primiparous 2% in multiparous
Gestational weight gain Mean 5% in primiparous 4% in multiparous
Combined 23% in primiparous 30% in multiparous
Gisselmann and Hemström (2008) [48] Total effect OR: 1.41* Job control Not stated 44%
Job hazards Not stated 5%
Physical demands Not stated 22%
All working conditions Not stated 46%
Niedhammer et al. (2012) [49] Total effect HR: 2.14 (1.05–4.38) Rented home 43% lower than secondary, 15% higher than secondary 26%
Crowded home 18% lower than secondary, 5% higher than secondary 13%
Material factors Composite 33%
Smoking 46% lower than secondary, 16% higher than secondary 2%
Alcohol 50% lower than secondary, 62% higher than secondary 14%
Behavioural Composite 10%
Saturated fatty acids (nutritional factors) 31% lower than secondary, 20% higher than secondary 14%
Material + behavioural Composite Measure 38%
Material + behavioural + nutritional Composite Measure 42%
Jansen et al. (2009) [50] Total effect OR: 1.89 (1.28–2.80) Mother’s age Mean 22%
Mothers’ height Mean 22%
Preeclampsia 2% total, 1% high, 4% low education 13%
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) 1% total, 1% high, 2% low education 12%
Marital status (single) 8% total, 3% high, 20% low education 2%
Pregnancy planning (unplanned) 19% total, 10% high, 34% low education No effect
Financial concerns 12% total, 5% high, 30% low education 19%
Long-lasting difficulties Mean 11%
Psychopathology Mean 16%
Working hours Mean No effect
Smoking 18% total, 5% high, 45% low education 8%
Alcohol consumption 50% total, 68% high, 25% low education 17%
BMI 67% total healthy weight, 75% high, 51% low education 7%
All except preeclampsia/IUGR/ working hours/pregnancy planning Composite Measure 69%
All except working hours/pregnancy planning Composite Measure 89%
Quispel et al. (2014) [51] Total effect OR: 1.06 (1.02–1.10) Depression score 15% No effect
Gissler et al. (2003) [52] Total effect OR: 1.35 (1.25–1.45) Smoking 15% total, 5% upper white collar, 26% blue collar workers 42%
Gray et al. (2008) [53] Total effect OR: 1.49 (1.43–1.54) Smoking For 2 periods: 30% & 29% total, 15% for both periods in least deprived, 43% & 39% in most deprived 45%
de Oliveira et al. (2019) [54] Direct standardised estimate: -0.083 Inadequate prenatal care Not stated Cannot be estimateda
Unwanted pregnancy Cannot be estimateda

* p value < 0.05, ** Percentage change in the odds per standard deviation increase

a indirect effect significant, PTB preterm birth, HR hazard ratio, OR odds ratio, RR relative risk, RD risk difference, coefficient = beta coefficient, LPG liquefied petroleum gas, Mean mean score so prevalence score not calculable