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. 2022 Jun 7;17(6):e0269484. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269484

Table 1. Survey domains and variables.

Domain Questions/Variables
Demographics and employment: Gender
Work setting and workplace characteristics
Hours worked
Perception of COVID risk: Proportion of patients seen face to face in the past week
Proportion of patients seen face to face before the pandemic
Rating of risk of exposure (no risk, little risk, some risk or high risk) in March 2020 and Now (at the time of survey completion)
Exposure at work requiring quarantine (yes/no)
How many days in quarantine
Tested for COVID-19
Mask wearing in public
PPE training and confidence in use: Type of PPE training accessed (formal, in person, online)
Who is best placed to provide PPE training (state health departments, federal government, royal colleges, primary health networks, individual workplaces, private training operator, other)
Confidence in use and fitting of PPE (not at all confident, somewhat confident, mostly confident, very confident)
Use and access to PPE: PPE items used prior to COVID-19 versus now (time of completion) (check list of PPE items for example face shield, P2/N95 mask, goggles)
Additional forms of PPE (yes/no)
Reasons not worn additional PPE (little risk, cannot access supplies, improvising alternative equipment, other)
Barriers to accessing PPE supplies (lack of availability, workplace doesn’t supply PPE, high costs, delays in delivery, workplace ration supplies, other)
Alternative equipment for PPE (garbage bags, homemade PPE, wearing scrubs, other)
Reuse or extend the life of PPE (yes/no/do not use PPE)
How reuse/extend life of PPE (e.g washing, disinfecting, heating, wearing for longer than recommended)
Ranking the importance of PPE items in March versus now (time of completion) (e.g P2/N95 masks, eye and face protection, body protection, gloves, shoe covers, other)
Ability to follow workplace PPE policy (no formal policy, unable to follow policy, partly, always)
What prevented following PPE policy (e.g policy unclear, unable to access equipment, patient group unlikely to have COVID-19, not important, other)
Have you ever been denied PPE when examining or treating a patient with suspected COVID-19 (yes, no)
Workplace safety and culture Extent of experience of bullying (slider scale 0–100—I have experienced bullying and harassment, I have experienced coercion in the workplace over PPE, I have experienced ostracism and social inclusion in the workplace over PPE)
Has a work health and safety professional assessed your workplace risk of COVID-19 (yes/no/don’t know)
Has a work health and safety professional advised you on PPE (yes/no/don’t know)
Has an infection control professional assessed your workplace risk of COVID-19 (yes/no/don’t know)
Has an infection control professional advised you on PPE (yes/no/don’t know)
Costs of PPE to workplace, cost of PPE personally
Awareness of financial burden of PPE and telehealth/bulkbilling (sliding scale 0–100)
Workplace needed to close due to lack of availability of PPE (yes permanently, yes temporarily, no)
Satisfaction of advice on PPE from various groups (e.g employer, royal colleges, CDC, Australian Medical association–not at all satisfied, somewhat satisfied, mostly satisfied, very satisfied, not applicable)
Anxiety Generalised Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7).
The GAD-7 is a brief measure for assessing symptoms of generalised anxiety disorder in the last two weeks. The response options for the 13 symptom items are “not at all,” “several days,” “more than half the days,” and “nearly every day,” scored as 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The scale has been shown to have strong criterion, construct, factorial and procedural validity as well as good test-retest reliability. Scores of 5, 10 and 15 can be interpreted as mild, moderate and severe levels of anxiety [14].