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. 2022 Jun 7;17(6):e0269573. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269573

Fig 1. Distribution of the day of the first COVID-19 reported case in 54 African countries.

Fig 1

The plot depicts the dates of the first reports of COVID-19 cases in the 54 studied African countries as reported by the Johns Hopkins global time series on the pandemic (CRC, 2020; Dong et al, 2020). The countries in this distribution are designated by their three-letter Alpha-3 codes: DZA: Algeria, AGO: Angola, BEN: Benin, BWA: Botswana, BFA: Burkina Faso, BDI: Burundi, CPV: Cabo Verde, CMR: Cameroon, CAF: Central African Republic, TCD: Chad, COM: Comoros, COD: Democratic Republic of the Congo, COG: Congo, CIV: Côte d’Ivoire, DJI: Djibouti, EGY: Egypt, GNQ: Equatorial Guinea, ERI: Eritrea, SWZ: Eswatini, ETH: Ethiopia, GAB: Gabon, GMB: Gambia, GHA: Ghana, GIN: Guinea, GNB: Guinea-Bissau, KEN: Kenya, LSO: Lesotho, LBR: Liberia, LBY: Libya, MDG: Madagascar, MWI: Malawi, MLI: Mali, MRT: Mauritania, MUS: Mauritius, MAR: Morocco, MOZ: Mozambique, NAM: Namibia, NER: Niger, NGA: Nigeria, RWA: Rwanda, STP: Sao Tome and Principe, SEN: Senegal, SYC: Seychelles, SLE: Sierra Leone, SOM: Somalia, ZAF: South Africa, SSD: South Sudan, SDN: Sudan, TZA: United Republic of Tanzania, TGO: Togo, TUN: Tunisia, UGA: Uganda, ZMB: Zambia, ZWE: Zimbabwe.