ascr#10 increases the number of germline precursors in aging adults. (A) Increase (relative to paired controls) in the number of GPCs following exposure to ascr#10 from 48 h until different time points. In all experiments, GPCs were counted in day 5 mothers. Temporal extent of exposure is represented by the schematics above. The greatest effect, at 144 h, shows an increase in GPCs equivalent to Fig. 1D. (B) A heatmap representing differentially expressed genes (on vs. off ascr#10) in 50- and 58-h-old adults. (C) Increase (relative to paired controls) in the number of GPCs following exposure to ascr#10 from different starting points until day 5. The temporal extent of exposure is represented in the schematics above. The greatest effects (exposure starting at 0 or 48 h) show an increase in GPCs equivalent to Fig. 1D. Organization of A and C is inspired by Schaedel et al. (39). (D) Fractions of worms that attained four developmental milestones: molting from the L4 larval stage to adult, producing the first oocyte in the gonad, ovulating the first embryo, and laying the first egg. (E) Comparison of the number of GPCs on versus off ascr#10 in N2 and tra-3(e2333) hermaphrodites with pheromone exposure starting at 56 h postrelease from the L1 arrest. *P < 0.05; n.s., not significant. See Table S1 for primary data and details of statistical analyses.