Fig. 2. Reorganization energy of Y6, Qx-1, and Qx-2 acceptors.
a Illustration of the related transitions among the ground state (S0), the lowest singlet excited state (S1), and the anionic state during the photoelectric conversion processes, taking the acceptor as an example. b The calculated reorganization energies for the mutual transitions between the different electronic states at the level of ωB97XD/6-31G(d,p) with tuned ω values in Y6, Qx-1, and Qx-2 acceptors. c–f Contributions of each vibrational mode to the reorganization energy for the S1 → S0 and anion → S0 transitions of Y6 and Qx-2. Illustration of the displacement vectors for the vibrational normal modes marked by circles (at around 1625 cm−1) and squares (at around 1498 cm−1) are inserted. The length of displacement vectors stands for the magnitude of vibrational strength.