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. 2022 Jun 7;5(6):e2216401. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.16401

Table 5. VA New England Healthcare System Completed Visits During August and September 2021 by Modality.

Specialty Patient type Overall completed visits, No. (%)a
In-person Phone Video
Overall Newb 37 975 (85.3) 2933 (6.6) 2386 (5.4)
Establishedc 259 735 (72.5) 47 874 (13.4) 48 706 (13.6)
Mental health New 1170 (56.3) 150 (7.2) 745 (35.9)
Established 40 902 (45.8) 11 829 (13.3) 35 989 (40.3)
Primary care New 3259 (85.0) 318 (8.3) 249 (6.5)
Established 58 384 (73.8) 17 423 (22.0) 2952 (3.7)
Specialty care New 33 546 (86.9) 2465 (6.4) 1392 (3.6)
Established 160 449 (84.4) 18 622 (9.8) 9765 (5.1)

Electronic consultations comprised a small proportion of completed visits and are not shown; therefore, some categories do not sum to 100%.


Difference among specialties in percentage of encounters completed in person, by phone, or by video: χ2 = 3987.4; P < .001.


Difference among specialties in percentage of encounters completed in person, by phone, or by video: χ2 = 81 345.0; P < .001.