The effect of different incubation temperatures on the quiescent incubation curve of fibril seeds. Fluorescence values were collected in another 10 incubation cycles at 40°C at the start and end of the incubation assay to correct the effects of different temperatures on ThT fluorescence intensity. (A) Quiescent incubation curve of human α-synuclein fibril seeds + human α-synuclein monomer under different temperature conditions, left. Corresponding ΔThT fluorescence value, right. The optimal temperature for the human homologous reaction is 70°C. (B) Quiescent incubation curve of mouse α-synuclein fibril seeds + mouse α-synuclein monomer under different temperature conditions, left. Corresponding ΔThT fluorescence value, right. The optimal temperature for the mouse homologous reaction is 60°C. All data are expressed in mean ± SD. Compared with the 40° group, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.