Fig. 1.
The probability distribution, number and proportion of study participants and reported contact events during the social contact patterns study in urban Blantyre, Malawi between April and July 2021. The frequency and probability distribution of participants, with proportion of participants in age groups of infants (<1 years-old), preschool (1–4 years-old), primary school (5–14 years-old), secondary school (15–19 years-old), adults (20–49 years-old) and older adults (50 + years-old) (insert) (A); The age frequency and probability distribution of contacts, with proportion of contacts by age groups (insert) (B); The number of contacts (bold fontface) and participants (roman fontface), and proportion of participants by day of the week when the contact event occurred (C); and the total number and probability distribution of reported contact events for a given number of contacts reported by the participant (D). Throughout the plots, the black line represents the probability density with values on secondary y-axis whereas yellow and purple colour represent participants and contacts, respectively. The 95% confidence interval for each bar is shown as vertical line.