Fig. 2. Coexpressed cytokine module analysis of CD19-specific stimulated CAR T cells identified functional heterogeneities and a deficit of TH2 function in CD19-positive relapsed patients.
(A) Coexpressed cytokine modules identified in CD19-specific stimulated CAR+ cells through unsupervised analysis. Genes are ordered by hierarchical clustering. Multiple functional cytokine coexpression modules, including two type 1–like, a type 2, and two chemokine modules, were identified. (B) Expression distribution of the identified modules on the UMAP. (C) Integrated cytokine module representation UMAP split by experimental conditions. (D) Localization of cells from each response group on the integrated UMAP. (E) Distribution of type 2 (TH2) module. (F) Comparison of type 2 (TH2) module–expressed CSF2+CAR+ active cell proportion between very durable remission patients (CR) and CD19+ relapsed patients (RL). The P values were calculated with Mann-Whitney test.