Figure 4. Comparing between-movie and within-movie boundary patterns in the posterior medial cortex (PMC).
(A) Schematic of the analysis. For each subject, we created the template PMC activation pattern associated with between-movie boundaries by averaging activation patterns following the offset of each between-movie boundary (orange bars), separately for encoding and recall phases. Likewise, the template within-movie event boundary pattern was created by averaging the activation patterns following the offset of each within-movie boundary during encoding (green bars). We then measured the similarity (Pearson correlation) between the mean between-movie boundary patterns during encoding and recall (a, orange arrow). We also measured the similarity between the mean within-movie boundary pattern during encoding and the mean between-movie boundary pattern during recall (b, green arrow). For both between- and within-movie boundaries, boundary periods were 15 s long, shifted forward by 4.5 s. (B) Pattern similarity between template boundary patterns. The orange bar shows the mean correlation across the between-movie boundary patterns during encoding and recall. The green bar shows the mean correlation across the between-movie boundary pattern during recall and the within-movie boundary pattern during encoding. Circles represent individual subjects. Error bars show SEM across subjects. ***p<0.001 against zero.