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. 2022 Feb 7;22(5):1786–1802. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.13588


Comparison of sequencing run read metrics between untreated and BluePippin size‐selected samples. All percentages are relative to the total reads (or sequencing yield) of the quality filtered reads

Untreated BluePippin high‐pass size selection
GT_1 GT_2 GT_1 SS GT_2 SS
All reads
Total reads 2,052,300 3,681,083 221,344 430,986
Sequencing yield (Gbp) 1.440 1.959 0.410 0.450
Human reads
Number of reads 1,584,229 2,674,013 117,071 282,113
% 77.19 72.64 52.89 65.46
Sequencing yield (Gbp) 0.908 1.199 0.104 0.162
% 63.07 61.23 25.31 35.92
Microbial reads
Number of reads 468,071 1,007,070 104,273 148,873
% 22.81 27.36 47.11 34.54
Sequencing yield (Gbp) 0.532 0.759 0.306 0.289
% 36.93 38.77 74.69 64.08
N50 2810 1929 6106 5594
Microbial reads >2.5 kb
Number of reads 43,173 49,572 40,248 34,949
% 2.10 1.35 18.18 8.11
Sequencing yield (Gbp) 0.278 0.352 0.252 0.215
% 19.32 17.98 61.26 47.74
Microbial reads >20 kb
Number of reads 1269 2294 300 407
% 0.06 0.06 0.14 0.09
Sequencing yield (Gbp) 0.035 0.067 0.008 0.011
% 2.42 3.41 1.86 2.49

GT, Qiagen Genomic Tip 20/G with enzymatic treatment; SS size‐selection.