Nrp1KO Treg cell‐derived sEV fails to induce skin graft tolerance. RAG‐KO mice received 1.5 × 105 convT cells by intravenous injection, and one dose of PBS 1× (vehicle) or sEV derived from wt or Nrp1KO Treg cells by subcutaneous injection. Next day, all mice were transplanted with allogeneic skin grafts, and 20 days post‐transplant graft survival was evaluated. (a) Representative scheme depicts sEV isolation from wt (blue) or Nrp1KO (red) Foxp3+ Tregs, and the location of sEV administration before skin transplantation. (b) Representative photographs showing the outcome of graft survival at day 20 after surgeries in mice with no cell transfer (control group), mice receiving only convT cells (No treatment, rejection group) or mice receiving convT cells and sEV obtained from wt or Nrp1KO Treg cells. (c) Table showing experimental groups, treatment, number of animals per group (n), graft survival (%) and p‐value at day 20 postsurgery. For c, N‐1 Chi‐squared test. n = 3 independent experiments. (d) Survival plot showing the percentage of skin graft survival, including the number of animals per group