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. 2022 Jan 19;16(4):632–642. doi: 10.1111/irv.12955


Rate of hospitalization for adults aged 50–64 or 45–64 years with laboratory confirmed influenza, 2010–2011 to 2019–2020 influenza seasons

Hospitalization rate (per 100,000)
First author, year of publication Country (Data source) Population Indication for testing Included admission diagnosis Season(s) Number of hospital inpatients Population size Crude Adjusted a Dominant influenza strain
CDC, 2020 42 and Tokars, 2018 24 United States (FluSurv‐NET) 50–64 years Clinician's discretion Any 2010–11 1205 5,499,620 21.9 86.1 A(H3N2)
2011–12 432 5,346,197 8.1 33.1 A(H3N2)
2012–13 2210 5,430,213 40.7 151.7 A(H3N2)
2013–14 2845 5,296,266 53.7 137.9 A(H1N1)
2014–15 2871 5,372,656 53.4 137.2 A(H3N2)
2015–16 2450 5,372,656 45.1 117.1 A(H1N1)
2016–17 N/A N/A 62.7 A(H3N2)
2017–18 N/A N/A 112.8 A(H3N2)
2018–19 N/A N/A 79.2 A(H3N2)
2019–20 N/A N/A 89.4 A(H3N2)
Hughes, 2019 25 United States, Utah 50–64 years Clinician's discretion Any 2016–17 N/A N/A 56 91 N/A
2017–18 N/A N/A 87 142 N/A
Leng, 2018 26 Cambodia 50–64 years SARI b Not described 2015 5 30,991 16.1 A(H3N2)
2016 28 62,290 44.9 A(H1N1) & B
Yu, 2014 27 China 45–64 years SARI c Not described 2010–11 134 224,903 60 N/A
2011–12 56 224,903 25 N/A
PHAC, 2020 43 Canada (FluWatch) 45–64 years Clinician's discretion Symptoms compatible with influenza 2013–14 N/A N/A 29 A(H1N1)
2014–15 N/A N/A 16 A(H3N2)
2015–16 N/A N/A 37 A(H1N1)
2016–17 N/A N/A 22 A(H3N2)
2017–18 N/A N/A 41 A(H3N2)
2018–19 N/A N/A 40 A(H1N1)
2019–20 N/A N/A 23 A(H1N1)

Abbreviations: CDC, Centre for Disease Control and Prevention; ICD‐10, International Classification of Diseases Tenth Revision; N/A, not available; PHAC, Public Health Agency of Canada; SARI, severe acute respiratory illness.


Tokars and Hughes adjusted rates for the age group‐specific percentage of hospital inpatients with respiratory disease that were tested for influenza and the sensitivity and specificity of laboratory methods used.


Fever or history of fever (≥38°C), cough or sore throat, and shortness of breath or difficulty breathing in a hospitalized person with onset of symptoms within 10 days before hospitalization.


Rectal or axillary temperature ≥37.3°C and at least one of cough, sore throat, tachypnea, difficulty breathing, abnormal breath sounds on auscultation, sputum production, hemoptysis, chest pain, or chest radiograph consistent with pneumonia.