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. 2022 May 26;9:906133. doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2022.906133

Table 2.

Surgical details.

Entire series, N = 13 LSG, n = 6(46.2%) LGB, n = 3(23.1%) RLGB, n = 4(30.8%)
Associated procedures, n(%) 10(76.9)
 Hiatoplasty 5(38.5) 2(33.3) 2(66.7) 1(25)
 Cholecystectomy 3(23.1) 2(33.3) 1(33.3)
 Lysis of adhesions 1(7.7) 1(16.7)
 Liver biopsy 1(7.7) 1(33.3)
ICG-FA score, n(%) 13(100) 6(100) 3(100) 4(100)
 Satisfactory 11(84.6) 6(100) 3(100) 2(50)
  Not satisfactory 2(15.4) 2(50)
Methylene blue test, n(%) 7(53.9) 3(100) 4(100)
 Negative 7(53.9) 3(100) 4(100)
Conversion, n(%)
Median operative time, minutes (CI 95%) 285(193.6–294.1) 167.5(124.3–204.1) 320(226.3–427) 300(278.4–324.1)
Postoperative complications,
n(%, Clavien-Dindo classification, grade) 3(23.1) 1(16.7) 1(33.3) 1(25)
 Fever 2(15.4, II) 1(33.3) 1(25)
 Wound infection 1(7.7, II) 1(16.7)
Median postoperative hospital stay, days (CI 95%) 4(3.3–5.5) 4(2.6–4.6) 5(−0.6–12.6) 4(1.9–6.6)
Mortality, n(%)
Median follow-up, months (CI 95%) 5(3.9–8.2) 5(2.3–8.4) 10(0.04–18) 5(−1.6–11.6)

LSG, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy; LGB, laparoscopic gastric bypass; RLGB, laparoscopic re- gastric bypass; ICG-FA, Indocyanine green-fluorescence angiography; CI, confidence interval.