1 |
Can you please tell me, in which profession you are working and what your intersection and your experiences thereby are with the topics migration and oral health? |
Oral health status: |
2 |
What do you know about the health status of persons with migration background? Do you know about differences and their reasons compared to non-migrants? |
3 |
Which factors are most important for persons with migration background regarding their oral health? (Look?, pain?, money?,…)
4 |
Did you come across cultural characteristics and habits that can have an impact on oral health? |
5 |
What do you know about the oral health literacy and oral health knowledge of our target group? |
Oral health care utilization: |
6 |
What are typical reasons and moments for persons with migration background to visit a dentist? |
6.1 |
And furthermore, how is the participation in oral health prevention programs? |
6.2 |
Can you see differences compared to non-migrants? |
6.3 |
If yes, what are the differences and what could be the underlying reason for those? |
7 |
Due to your knowledge, are persons with migration background facing special barriers towards the use of oral health care and prevention? |
7.1 |
If yes, which are those barriers? |
7.2 |
If no, what do you think is then the reason for differences in oral health status in contrast to non-migrants? |
Motivation: |
8 |
How do you experience the motivation of the target group to look deeper into the topic of oral health and care about own oral heath behavior? |
9 |
Do you see precise need and course for action to strengthen this motivation? |
Prevention programs: |
10 |
Do you think cultural characteristics of different groups should be considered in oral health prevention programs? |
10.1 |
If yes, which should be considered and how? |
10.2 |
If no, why do you think this is not necessary? |