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. 2022 May 31;34(2):167–174. doi: 10.3946/kjme.2022.228

Table 3.

Logistic Regression Models Predicting Satisfaction

Logistic regression model OR (95% CI) p-value
Overall satisfaction model (n=224)
 Satisfied with school communicationa) 69.058 (17.898–266.449 <0.001
 Satisfied with exposure to COVID-19a) 30.413 (5.475–168.938) <0.001
 Satisfied with PPE availabilitya) 3.078 (0.517–18.345) 0.217
 Satisfied with access to COVID-19 testinga) 4.283 (1.268–14.463) 0.019
Adjusted overall satisfaction model with demographic characteristics significant in chi-square and rank sum analysis (n=224)
 Satisfied with school communicationa) 70.013 (15.424–317.797) <0.001
 Satisfied with exposure to COVID-19a) 37.787 (7.154–199.598) <0.001
 Satisfied with PPE availabilitya) 4.087 (0.508–32.906) 0.186
 Satisfied with access to COVID-19 testinga) 3.239 (0.756–13.887) 0.114
 Year: third-year student 0.301 (0.071–1.269) 0.102
 Region 0.081
  Northeast 0.060 (0.003–1.104) 0.058
  South 0.091 (0.008–0.988) 0.049
  West 0.750 (0.068–8.312) 0.815
 Medical school size 0.992 (0.984–1.000) 0.061
 Vaccine status
  Will receive same time as general population/unsure 0.065 (0.000–14.565) 0.323
School communication satisfaction model (n=355)
 No. of important messages 2.565 (1.982–3.319) <0.001
Exposure to COVID-19 satisfaction model (n=349)
 Policy exists for rotations if quarantine needed 2.155 (1.046–4.440) 0.037
 Extent to which agree: comfortable with sharing positive results to schoolb) 1.551 (1.171–2.054) 0.002
 Extent to which agree: experience discomfort due to improper PPE usage by peersb) 0.386 (0.268–0.554) <0.001
 Frequency of exposure to COVID-19 patientsb) 0.625 (0.392–0.996) 0.048
PPE availability satisfaction model (n=398)
 Extent to which agree: adequate/accessible PPEb) 15.518 (6.829–35.261) <0.001
 Extent to which agree: properly trained to use PPEb) 4.149 (2.565–6.711) <0.001
Access to COVID-19 testing satisfaction model (n=346)
 Access to COVID-19 testing if desired 5.682 (2.213–14.590) <0.001
 COVID-19 testing frequencyb) 3.115 (2.038–4.760) <0.001
 Regular testing of first- and second-year students 0.303 (0.153–0.598) 0.001
 COVID-19 symptoms required or unsure if required for testing 0.442 (0.212–0.922) 0.030

OR: Odds ratio, CI: Confidence interval, COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019, PPE: Personal protective equipment.


Dichotomized variable.


Categorical Likert scale variable that was coded continuously numerically (i.e., 1=strongly disagree, 2=somewhat disagree, 3=neither disagree nor agree, 4=somewhat agree, 5=strongly agree; or 0=never, 1=weekly).