Figure 7:
Place field sweep metrics. The rows show data from different gain ranges. (A) Histogram of reliability scores, rp for place fields (top to bottom, n = 42, 48, 94, 59, 60) (B) Histogram of spatial drift rate of the same fields in landmark frame. (C) Distribution of inter-spike intervals for all spikes in all sweeps for all place fields (top to bottom, number of spikes n = 12224, 36047, 73111, 36142, 33663). Plot shows a strong peak in the theta range irrespective of gain. (D) Average theta precession. 2D histogram of theta phase of spiking. The x-axis represents normalized extent of a sweep, and y-axis represents theta phase. The theta phases of all spikes from sweeps of place fields are binned in these figures (top to bottom, number of spikes n = 13875, 23831, 68312, 35686, 36909). Theta phase precession during sweeps appears unchanged at different gain ranges at this level of analysis.