Table 2.
Justified wife- beating | Afghanistan (N = 4865) n (%) |
Bhutan (N = 2368) n (%) |
Nepal (N = 2048) n (%) |
Pakistan Punjab (N = 10,653) n (%) |
Pakistan Sindh (N = 6095) n (%) |
Total (N = 26,029) n (%) |
Goes out without telling the husband | 3983 (81.9) | 899 (38.0) | 576 (28.1) | 3217 (30.2) | 2663 (43.7) | 11,337 (43.6) |
Neglects the children | 3148 (64.7) | 1286 (54.3) | 711 (34.7) | 3188 (29.9) | 2667 (43.8) | 11,001 (43.3) |
Argues with the husband | 3904 (80.3) | 905 (38.2) | 383 (18.7) | 3338 (31.3) | 2657 (43.6) | 11,186 (43.0) |
Refuses to have sex with the husband | 2614 (53.7) | 607 (25.7) | 64 (3.1) | 2782 (26.1) | 2458 (40.3) | 8526 (32.8) |
Burns food | 1689 (34.7) | 569 (24.1) | 109 (5.3) | 1781 (16.7) | 2148 (35.2) | 6297 (24.2) |
At-least one of the options | 4574 (94.0) | 1625 (68.6) | 944 (46.1) | 4705 (44.2) | 3452 (56.6) | 15,300 (58.8) |
Surveys countries and year: Afghanistan 2010–11; Bhutan 2010; Nepal 2014; Pakistan (Punjab), 2014 and Pakistan (Sindh), 2014