Figure 1 ∣. Comparison of fine-mapping resolution for distinct association signals for T2D obtained from ancestry-specific meta-analysis and multi-ancestry meta-regression.
a, Each point corresponds to a distinct association signal, plotted according to the log10 credible set size in the multi-ancestry meta-regression on the x-axis and the log10 credible set size in the European ancestry meta-analysis on the y-axis. The 266 (78.7%) signals above the dashed y = x line were more precisely fine-mapped in the multi-ancestry meta-regression. b, We “down-sampled” the multi-ancestry meta-regression to the effective sample size of the European ancestry-specific meta-analysis. Each point corresponds to one of the 266 signals that were more precisely fine-mapped in the multi-ancestry meta-regression. The 137 (51.5%) signals above the dashed y = x line were more precisely fine-mapped in “down-sampled” multi-ancestry meta-regression than the equivalent sized European ancestry-specific meta-analysis. c, Properties of 99% credible sets of variants driving each distinct association signal in European ancestry-specific meta-analysis, combined East Asian and European ancestry meta-analysis, and multi-ancestry meta-regression. The inclusion of the most under-represented ancestry groups (African, Hispanic and South Asian) in the multi-ancestry meta-regression reduced the median size of 99% credible sets and increased the median posterior probability ascribed to index SNVs.