Figure 1.
Mutations of chromatin remodeling-related genes and their correlations with response of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) to immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy. (A) Oncoplot displaying the somatic landscape of 15 chromatin remodeling-related genes in NSCLC. Each column represents a sample. Samples without mutations in any of the 15 genes were not shown in the figure. The numbers shown at left and right sides represent the gene mutation rates. Variants annotated as Multi_Hit are those genes which are mutated more than once in the same sample. (B) Logistic regression analysis of the correlation of mutations of 15 chromatin remodeling-related genes with ICB response in NSCLC. The ORs are shown in forest plots, in which the squares and horizontal lines represent the OR and 95% CI for the corresponding gene. Mutations of EGFR and BRCA2 were used here as positive controls. p-values were adjusted using Benjamini & Hochberg’s method.