a, The indicated MV4;11 cells were treated with VbP (10 μM) or the indicated XP-OMe (1 mM) for 6 h before LDH release and immunoblot analyses. b, WT and PEPD knockout MV4;11 cells were treated with XP-OMes (1 mM, 14 h) before CTG and CTF analyses. c–e, The indicated THP-1 and MV4;11 cells were treated with CQ31 (10 μM), VbP (10 μM) or XP-OMes (1 mM) for 14 h (c) or 24 h (d,e) before LDH release and immunoblot analyses. Data are presented as means ± s.e.m. of three replicates. All data, including immunoblots, are representative of three or more independent experiments.