Fig. 6 ∣. Dual inhibition of XPNPEP1 and PEPD activates CARD8.
a, Structure of CQ73. b, CQ73 inhibits recombinant PEPD activity. The IC50 value is shown in parentheses. c, The indicated MV4;11 cells were treated with CQ73 for 24 h before CTG analysis. d, Schematic of the target identification protocol using the CQ73 probe. e, Scatter plots depicted the proteins enriched by CQ73 and competed by CQ31 as determined by TMT-MS. f, Immunoblots of lysates from HEK 293T cells before (input) and after streptavidin enrichment (IP:biotin) following the scheme in d. g, Schematic of the known enzymatic function of PEPD and XPNPEPs. h, Cladogram depicting all M24 aminopeptidases and their messenger RNA (mRNA) abundances in the indicated cell lines. i, The indicated THP-1 cells were treated with control (DMSO), CQ31(10 μM) or VbP (10 μM) for 48 h before LDH release and immunoblot analyses. Data in b, c and i are presented as means ± s.e.m. of three replicates. Data in b, c and i, including immunoblots, are representative of three or more independent experiments.