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. 2022 Jun 2;19(11):6809. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19116809

Table 3.

Two-way fixed effects models predicting the effects of current economic activity type and voluntary participation on mental health (reversed GHQ−12) for men and women.

Model 5 Model 6 Model 7 Model 8 Model 9 Model 10 Model 11 Model 12
Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women
Current economic activity (ref. = employed)
Unemployed −2.46 ***
−1.48 ***
−2.46 ***
−1.48 ***
−2.47 ***
−1.53 ***
−2.47 ***
−1.53 ***
Family care −1.24 ***
−0.59 ***
−1.25 ***
−0.59 ***
−1.43 ***
−0.66 ***
−1.44 ***
−0.66 ***
Long-term sick −4.53 ***
−3.15 ***
−4.53 ***
−3.15 ***
−4.70 ***
−3.19 ***
−4.70 ***
−3.20 ***
Unpaid work −0.74 *
−0.46 +
−0.74 *
−0.46 +
−0.86 **
−0.87 **
Volunteer behavior 0.04
0.26 ***
0.17 *
Volunteer frequency(ref. = no)
Less than once per month 0.02
Once per month or more 0.06
0.33 ***
0.20 *
Current economic activity × Volunteer behavior
Unemployed × Yes 0.07
Family care × Yes 1.29 +
0.39 *
Long-term sick × Yes 1.37 *
Unpaid work × Yes −0.72
1.49 **
Interaction: Current economic activity × Volunteer frequency
Unemployed × Less than once per month −0.05
Unemployed × Once per month or more 0.15
Family care × Less than once per month −0.28
Family care × Once per month or more 1.79 *
0.50 *
Long-term sick × Less than once per month −0.37
Long-term sick × Once per month or more 2.02 **
Unpaid work × Less than once per month −0.94
Unpaid work × Once per month or more −0.62
1.56 **
Constant 23.88 ***
20.69 ***
23.88 ***
20.68 ***
23.91 ***
20.70 ***
23.90 ***
20.69 ***
Waves dummies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 56,611 70,794 56,611 70,794 56,611 70,794 56,611 70,794
Number of respondents 21,721 25,886 21,721 25,886 21,721 25,886 21,721 25,886
R 2 0.035 0.023 0.035 0.023 0.035 0.024 0.036 0.024

Note. All models controlled for age, age squared, marital status, presence of children, household income, and presence of longstanding illness. Robust standard errors in parentheses. + p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.