Table 1.
Reducing emotion-motivated avoidant coping: techniques from the Unified Protocol.
Skill | Target Behavior/Experience | Example Application |
Mindful Emotion Awareness Goal: Practice present moment, nonjudgmental awareness in response to emotions |
Future- and past-focused awareness such as pre-occupation with life before COVID-19 or the prospect that the world will not return to normality in the future | Practice bringing awareness back to the present moment, again and again |
Aversive reactions or judgments about emotions such as judging negative affect experienced during COVID-19 as “bad” and “intolerable”, or judging oneself as “bad” or “weak” for experiencing emotions | Practice being non-judgmental of emotions in response to judgments | |
Attempts to avoid emotions for example through distraction, cognitive or behavioral avoidance, or checking behaviors | Practice being willing to experience emotions vs. avoid them | |
Cognitive Flexibility Goal: Increase tolerance of uncertainty |
Rumination about COVID-19 stressors Worry about COVID-19 stressors and associated catastrophic fears |
Consider the multiple different outcomes possible if COVID-19 is contracted Consider previous times when the individual has coped with uncertainty |
Alternative Action Goal: Exposure to negative emotions, reduce non-adaptive behaviors, increase behavioral activation |
Excessive avoidance of necessary activities that interferes with functioning (e.g., doctor’s visits) | Attend doctor’s visits |
Compulsive checking of news | Limit news checking to certain times of day for time-limited periods | |
Compulsive cleaning Reassurance seeking |
Follow guidelines from authorities Rely on self for reassurance |
Emotion Exposure Goal: Perceive negative emotions as manageable, retain adaptive levels of anxiety and other emotions |
Attempts to avoid or control strong negative emotions associated with COVID-19 social distancing such as anxiety | Mindful emotion awareness Imaginal exposure of worse case scenarios (contracting COVID-19, unlimited restrictions to our way of life) Attending a doctor’s appointment Plan a social interaction (e.g., get together in-person inside, get together outside, via Zoom) |