Expression analyses of PnIAA30 transcripts in reproductive organs of sexual and apomictic P. notatum plants. (a) qRT-PCR determination in spikelets of sexual (Q4188) and apomictic (Q4117) genotypes collected at meiosis (mei) and anthesis (ant). (b) Relative expression in three sexual and three apomictic full-sib F1 hybrids derived from a Q4188 vs. Q4117 cross. (c) Linear regression between PnIAA30 expression levels (Y-axis) and the expressivity of apospory in three genotypes (X-axis). (d) qRT-PCR determination in spikelets at two–three days after anthesis. In (a,b,d), boxplots show the third quartile (75th percentile) and the first quartile (25th percentile) range of the data, the median (line in box) and the mean (x). Upper and lower whisker caps indicate the 95th and 5th percentiles, and outliers are indicated with circles. * denotes significant differences at p-value ≤ 0.05 compared to the sample used as the calibrator.