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. 2022 May 26;11(11):1417. doi: 10.3390/plants11111417

Table 1.

Maize seedling trait measurements and descriptions.

Trait Name Abbreviations Trait Measurements and Descriptions
SPAD value of the 2nd leaf SPAD Measured with a chlorophyll meter
Plant height (cm) PH Measured with a ruler
Shoot dry weight (g) SDW Dried and weighed on a balance (0.001 g)
Root dry weight (g) RDW Dried and weighed on a balance (0.001 g)
Root-to-shoot ratio RSR Root dry weight/shoot dry weight
Total root length (cm) TRL Length of the whole root system
Total root surface area (cm2) TRSA Surface area of the whole root system
Total root volume (cm3) TRV Volume of the whole root system
Crown root number CRN Count of the axial first whorl crown roots
Crown root length (cm) CRL Measured with a ruler
Crown root surface area (cm2) CRSA Measured with root scanner
Crown root volume (cm3) CRV Measured with root scanner
Seminal root number SRN Count of the axial seminal roots
Seminal root length (cm) SRL Measured with a ruler
Seminal root surface area (cm2) SRSA Measured with root scanner
Seminal root volume (cm3) SRV Measured with root scanner
Primary root length (cm) PRL Measured with a ruler
Primary root surface area (cm2) PRSA Surface area of the whole primary root
Primary root volume (cm3) PRV Volume of the whole primary root
Total lateral root length TLRL The total length of all of the lateral roots of the entire root system