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. 2021 Jul 6;25(2):256–263. doi: 10.1038/s41391-021-00417-1

Table 1.

General information of analyzed studies.

Author (ref. No) Year Patient recruitment Study type Patient/lesion level analysis Number of patients Number of patients with insign. CA Number of patients with sign. CA Number of lesions Number of lesion with insign. CA Number of lesions with sign. CA Definition sign. CA Includes patient under active surveillance PSA mean/median Age mean/median Prostate volume mean/median Previous biopsy status (biopsy-naive, prior-negative biopsy, mixed, not defined) Verification Biopsy technique
Bao [19] 2020 01/2018–12/2019 retrospective patient level analysis 638 32 287 NR NR NR Gleason Score ≥ 7a NR 21.72/11.7 NR/69 NR/NR not defined lesion + systematic biopsy mixed
Brancato [20] 2020 04/2013–09/2018 retrospective lesion level analysis 111 34 38 117 37 41 Gleason Score ≥ 7a NR 11.29/8 NR/69 57.5/NR not defined lesion + systematic biopsy mixed
Byun [21] 2020 01/2018–06/2018 retrospective lesion level analysis 142 21 121 201 13 70 Gleason score ≥ 7a and/or a volume ≥ 0.5 cm3, and/or extracapsular extension according to PI-RADS v2 no 8.33/NR 67/NR 32.83/NR not defined prostatectomy RP
Costa [22] 2020 04/2019–04/2020 retrospective lesion level analysis 103 14 10 110 14 10 Gleason Score ≥ 7a yes NR/NR NR/NR NR/NR not defined mixed mixed
Falagario [23] 2020 03/2013–05/2017 retrospective patient level analysis 451 76 211 NR NR NR Gleason Score ≥ 7a no NR/NR NR/NR NR/NR no biopsy 6 months prior to MRI lesion + systematic biopsy mixed
Gorin [24] 2019 02/2018–06/2019 mixeda lesion level analysis 95 27 NR 124 27 52 Gleason Score ≥ 7a yes NR/6.9 NR/68.8 36/NR not defined lesion + systematic biopsy US cognitive
Han [25] 2020 06/2010–05/2017 retrospective patient level analysis 123 13 37 NR NR NR Gleason Score ≥ 7a NR 7.2/NR 66.3/NR NR/NR not defined lesion + systematic biopsy US cognitive
Hosseiny [26] 2020 02/2014–07/2018 retrospective patient level analysis 79 6 30 99 6 33 Gleason Score ≥ 7a no NR/8.6 64.1/NR NR/54 prior-negative biopsy lesion biopsy in-bore
HosseinyB [27] 2020 02/2012–03/2019 retrospective lesion level analysis 379 69 193 475 97 208 Gleason score ≥ 7a yes (separate analysis) NR/NR NR/NR NR/NR mixed lesion biopsy in-bore
Hötker [28] 2020 01/2015–12/2017 retrospective patient level analysis 229 26 122 NR NR NR Gleason score ≥ 7a NR 8.2/NR 63.1/NR 50.73/46.44 not defined lesion + systematic biopsy MRI-US fusion transperineal
Lim [29] 2020 01/2015–07/2018 retrospective lesion level analysis 104 NR NR 109 21 14 Gleason Score ≥ 7a NR 10.6/NR 64.8/NR 71/NR not defined lesion biopsy US cognitive
Rudolph [30] 2020 01/2012–07/2015 retrospective lesion level analysis 333 64 152 359 58 135 Gleason score ≥ 7a NR 12.8/NR 66.8/NR 62.8/NR not defined lesion + systematic biopsy MRI-US fusion transrectal
Tamada [31] 2021 03/2019–01/2020 retrospective lesion level analysis 103 NR NR 165 NR 81 Gleason Score ≥ 7a and tumor diameter ≥ 5 mm, or Gleason Score = 3 + 3 and tumor size ≥ 0.5 mL (tumor diameter ≥ 8 mm) NR NR/6.92 69.8/NR NR/NR not defined mixed mixed
Vilanova [32] 2020 07/2019–03/2020 prospective lesion level analysis 30 3 19 30 3 19 Gleason Score ≥ 7a or maximum cancer core length > 3 mm for Gleason 6 NR 13.1/NR 66/NR 47.2/NR mixed lesion biopsy in-bore
Walker [33] 2020 04/2019–09/2019 prospective both 110 16 43 171 17 57 Gleason score ≥ 7a NR NR/5.79 NR/66 NR/55.5 not defined lesion + systematic biopsy MRI-US fusion transrectal
Wang [34] 2020 03/2016–10/2018 retrospective patient level analysis 584 NR 111 NR NR NR Gleason Grade Group ≥ 1 However, distribution of Gleason grade groups is provided in supplement, we use ≥7a NR NR/NR NR/NR NR/NR not defined lesion biopsy MRI-US fusion transrectal
Xu [35] 2020 01/2017–12/2017 retrospective lesion level analysis 85 2 25 85 2 25 Gleason Score ≥ 7a and/or volume > 0.5 mL, and/or extraprostatic extension NR NR/9.08 67.85/NR 56.85/NR not defined systematic only, saturation biopsy transperineal saturation

NR not reported

aNot reported whether blinded re-reading was performed, it is explicitly stated that MRI studies were graded using PI-RADSv2.1.