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. 2022 Jun 9;5:440. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03398-6

Fig. 4. Shifts in coral community composition and functioning following the stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) outbreak.

Fig. 4

ac Principal component biplots of the shifts in the coral assemblages in 35 reef sites along the Mexican Caribbean between the pre- (blue) and post-outbreak (red) periods in (a) coral assemblages, (b) family assemblages, and (c) functional traits based on community weighted means (CWM). The points in (ac) represent the reef sites for each period. Vectors represent the absolute contributions of families, species, and traits. The colored ellipses represent the 95% confidence intervals around the weighted average of the site scores for each period. df Box plots of the functional shifts between the pre- (blue) and post-outbreak (red) periods in the same reef sites with regard to (d) functional richness, (e) functional evenness, and (f) coral community calcification (Kg CaCO3 m2 yr−1). The points in (df) represent each surveyed reef site and box plots show the median (horizontal line), first and third quartiles (box height), and the minimum and maximum values (whiskers; excluding outliers). Species key in (b): Acer: Acropora cervicornis; AGAR_enc: Agaricia encrusting Apal: Acropora palmata; Aten: Agaricia tenuifolia; Cnat: Colpophyllia natans; Dcyl: Dendrogyra cylindrus; Dlab: Diploria labyrinthiformis; Dsto: Dichocoenia stokesii; Efas: Eusmilia fastigiata; Ffra: Favia fragum; Hcuc: Helioseris cucullata; ISOP: Isophyllia spp; MADR: Madracis spp; Mang: Mussa angulosa; Mcav: Montastraea cavernosa; MEAN: Meandrina spp; MYCE: Mycetophyllia spp; Oann: Orbicella annularis; Ofav: Orbicella faveolata; Ofra: Orbicella franksi; P_dig: Branching Porites; Past: Porites astreoides; Pcli: Pseudodiploria clivosa: Pstr: Pseudodiploria strigosa: SCOL: Scolymia spp; Sint: Stephanocoenia intersepta; Srad: Siderastrea radians; Ssid: Siderastrea siderea.