Fig. 3.
Interval-based secretomics analysis of the acute-phase response triggered by IL1b or IL6 in differentiated HepaRG cells for up to 72 h.A, interval-based secretomics analysis of IL1b-treated HepaRG cells. All identified proteins are depicted with their mean log2 fold change (n = 3) against the time-matched controls at the indicated time points. Proteins passing the significance thresholds (p(Benjamini Hochberg) < 0.05 and log2 fold change > 2× standard deviation of the individual treatment) are colored in orange, acute-phase response proteins are colored in purple, and acute-phase proteins passing the significance thresholds are indicated as triangles. IL1b is colored in blue and indicated with name. 2-fold increase in abundance is indicated by horizontal bars. B, all acute-phase proteins identified in the secretomes of IL1b-treated differentiated HepaRG cells across different time points irrespective of their significance. Displayed are log2 fold changes to the respective time-matched control. Statistically significant changes are denoted with asterisks (∗). C, proteins released at 72 h of treatment with IL1b grouped by their subcellular location annotation (based on UniProt annotation). Gray: all proteins, blue: proteins with an extracellular domain, teal: proteins without a signal peptide (S. P.) and not annotated as secreted, purple: proteins with signal peptide and not annotated as secreted, yellow: proteins without signal peptide and annotated as secreted, pink: proteins with signal peptide and annotated as secreted. D–F, same as (A), (B), and (C) but for IL6-treated differentiated HepaRG cells.