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. 2022 Jun 9;10(3):e002774. doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2022-002774

Table 1.

Patient characteristics by 30-day outcome in patients with COVID-19 with type 2 diabetes or at risk of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes* At risk of type 2 diabetes†‡
No hospitalization
Hospitalization only
ICU, intubation, death (n=586) Total
(n=10 781)
No hospitalization
Hospitalization only
ICU, intubation, death (n=500)
Age (year) 62.3 (14.0) 60.1 (13.6) 65.8 (13.8) 68.8 (13.5) 52.4 (17.3) 50.4 (16.4) 59.8 (17.4) 69.2 (17.2)
Age group (%)
 <65 56.5 63.5 45.2 36.2 75.8 80.8 57.7 35.8
 ≥65 43.5 36.5 54.8 63.8 24.2 19.2 42.3 64.2
Sex (%)
 Men 46.2 44.8 47.6 51.9 37.7 36.4 40.8 53.0
 Women 53.8 55.2 52.4 48.1 62.3 63.6 59.3 47.0
Race/ethnicity (%)
 White, non-Hispanic 52.0 49.7 49.8 69.3 63.7 63.2 61.0 80.2
 Black, non-Hispanic 28.8 30.7 28.4 18.9 21.0 21.0 24.3 11.6
 Other, non-Hispanic 3.9 4.5 3.3 1.4 3.1 3.2 2.7 2.4
 Hispanic 13.4 12.8 17.7 9.9 10.1 10.3 10.9 5.8
 Unknown 1.8 2.3 0.9 0.5 2.1 2.3 1.2 0.0
Smoking (%)
 Current 4.8 4.2 5.0 7.7 5.6 5.4 6.1 7.2
 Former 19.5 15.7 23.0 35.0 16.7 14.6 23.4 35.0
 Never 32.6 32.3 31.5 35.8 40.1 39.8 45.0 48.8
 Unknown 43.1 47.8 40.5 21.5 36.9 40.2 25.5 9.0
Location (%)
 Urban 94.5 97.6 97.8 71.3 95.7 97.1 97.5 67.6
Comorbidity (%)
 MI 12.6 9.1 18.9 21.5 3.2 2.5 5.9 8.4
 Heart failure 24.3 17.0 36.7 44.4 7.4 5.0 14.7 29.2
 Peripheral vascular disease 19.0 14.2 28.5 30.0 6.3 4.6 11.5 22.8
 Cerebrovascular disease 17.7 13.4 25.8 28.0 7.3 5.7 13.4 20.0
 Chronic pulmonary disease 33.5 31.4 36.5 39.9 24.3 23.2 27.4 35.2
 Liver disease, mild 15.1 15.1 15.6 14.5 7.6 7.3 9.84 8.0
 Renal disease, mild-moderate 28.8 20.5 41.8 53.2 8.1 5.5 17.6 28.2
 Any malignancy 10.9 9.3 12.9 16.2 8.7 6.7 18.5 17.8
 CCI score 5.4 (3.1) 4.7 (2.8) 6.6 (3.2) 7.3 (3.2) 2.2 (2.4) 1.8 (2.0) 3.6 (2.9) 5.0 (3.1)
BMI (kg/m2) 34.2 (8.2) 33.9 (8.2) 32.4 (8.2) 32.8 (9.3) 32.3 (7.1) 32.4 (7.1) 31.8 (7.5) 31.0 (6.4)
BMI category (%)
 <18.5 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.2
 18.5 to <25 9.0 8.3 11.0 9.7 8.7 7.8 12.3 14.8
 25–29.9 22.2 20.9 26.8 21.7 33.3 33.5 32.3 32.4
 30–39.9 45.6 47.1 41.3 44.5 42.1 42.6 38.9 42.4
 40+ 21.0 21.7 18.4 21.3 13.1 13.4 12.6 8.4
 Unknown 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.5 2.5 3.3 1.8
SBP (mm Hg)§ 132.3 (18.1) 131.6 (17.2) 134.3 (19.2) 132.8 (19.6) 126.7 (16.3) 126.2 (15.9) 129.1 (17.8) 129.3 (18.2)
DBP (mm Hg)¶ 76.1 (11.2) 77.1 (10.8) 75.0 (11.7) 72.9 (11.7) 76.9 (10.5) 77.2 (10.4) 75.6 (10.8) 73.6 (11.0)
HDL cholesterol (mg/dL)** 46.2 (14.2) 46.5 (13.9) 45.3 (14.8) 44.8 (14.6) 52.9 (15.4) 53.0 (15.1) 52.9 (16.7) 50.1 (17.1)
LDL cholesterol (mg/dL)†† 136.2 (47.5) 139.3 (47.6) 129.5 (45.5) 126.4 (48.4) 152.3 (41.7) 143.7 (40.6) 146.9 (45.6) 138.0 (47.9)
Time of COVID-19 diagnosis (%)
 March to June 2020 29.1 26.3 33.9 36.9 25.1 24.0 30.8 30.0
 July to October 2020 24.6 25.1 26.2 18.9 26.6 26.2 32.4 17.4
 November to January 2021 46.3 48.6 40.0 44.2 48.3 49.9 36.8 52.6
HbA1c category (%)
 <6.0% 10.8 10.6 10.2 13.1
 6.0%–6.9% 23.9 24.9 22.2 21.2
 7.0%–7.9% 16.5 16.5 17.1 15.2
 8.0%–8.9% 8.8 9.0 8.0 9.2
 ≥9.0% 13.6 13.5 14.3 12.8
 Unknown 26.4 25.5 28.3 28.5
HbA1c level (%)‡‡ 7.6 (1.90) 7.6 (1.87) 7.6 (1.99) 7.6 (2.07)
Any sulfonylureas (%) 17.2 19.8 14.5 13.5
Any metformin (%) 42.3 49.1 30.9 23.9
Any insulin (%) 37.3 31.3 49.5 50.0
Any DPP-4 inhibitor (%) 10.7 11.1 9.0 10.9
Any GLP-1R agonist (%) 4.4 5.0 2.8 4.3
Any SGLT2 inhibitor (%) 9.6 10.5 8.0 7.0

Data presented as mean (SD) or per cent.

*All p values <0.05 except location, liver disease, BMI category, and HbA1c category.

†All p values <0.05 except location.

‡At risk defined based on elevated BMI, pre-diabetes diagnosis, or elevated HbA1c.

§SBP n=15 439.

¶DBP n=15 438.

**HDL n=8369.

††LDL n=8376.

‡‡HbA1c n=6720.

BMI, body mass index; CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; DPP-4, dipeptidyl peptidase-4; GLP-1R, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; ICU, intensive care unit; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; MI, myocardial infarction; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SGLT2, Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2.