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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Sep 1.
Published in final edited form as: Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2022 Jan 17;50(2):143–162. doi: 10.1111/ceo.14035


Gene associations for adult-onset glaucoma

Disease Study designa # Cases/controls Ethnic population Gene Chromosomal location Gene function References
Primary open-angle glaucoma Genetic Linkage Analysis 330/471 European-derived MYOC 1q24.3 Extracellular matrix protein in trabecular meshwork; mutant protein aggregates intracellularly 58
GWAS 1263/34877 Icelandic CAV1/CAV2 7q31 Mechanosensation and IOP regulation; nitric oxide signalling 69
GWAS 615/3956 Australian CDKN2B-AS 9p21 Long non-coding RNA; regulates expression of CDKN2B, CDKN2A and other target genes 70
TMCO1 1q24.1 Transmembrane protein
GWAS 2170/2347 European-derived SIX6 14q23.1 Eye development 71
GWAS Meta-Analysis 1432/8102 European and Australian GAS7 17p13.1 Neuronal development 72
GWAS 1155/1992 Australian ABCA1 9q31.1 Cholesterol efflux pump 73
AFAP1 4p16.1 Modulates actin filament integrity
GMDS 6p25.3 Fructose and mannose metabolism
GWAS 1007/1009 Chinese, Singaporean Chinese PMM2 16p13.2 Glycosylation 74
GWAS 3504/9746 Multi-ethnic (European, Asian and African descent) TGFBR3 1p22.1 TGF-beta receptor 75
GWAS 1225/4117 European ARHGEF12 11q23.3 Rho kinase signalling 76
GWAS 3853/33480 European-derived TXNRD2 22q11.21 Thioredoxin reductase 77
ATXN2 12q24.12 Formation of p-bodies and stress granules
FOXC1 6p25.3 Transcription factor; early ocular and systemic organogenesis
GWAS 3071/6750 Australian MYOF 10q23 Endothelial cell repair after mechanical stress 78
CYP26A1 Drug metabolism, lipid biosynthesis
LINC02052 3q27.3 long non-coding RNA
CRYGS Gamma crystallin; cataract formation
LMX1B 9q33.3 Trabecular meshwork development
LMO7 13q22.2 Protein–protein interaction
GWAS 7378/36385 Japanese FNDC3B 3q26.31 Adipogenesis, ECM remodelling 79
ANKRD55 5q11.2 Unknown
MAP3K1 Ocular development
LHPP 10q26.13 Unknown
HMGA2 12q14.3 Ocular development
MEIS2 15q14 Interacts with FOXC1, expressed in trabecular meshwork
LOXL1 15q24.1 Crosslinks collagen and elastin
GWAS meta-analysis 11 018/126069 European/Australian CADM2 3p12.1 Synapse organisation 80
THSD7A 7p21.3 Cytoskeletal organisation
ANGPT1 8q23.1 TEK ligand; outflow pathway development
ANKH 5p15.2 Regulates pyrophosphate levels
LOC101929614 6q27 Unknown
EXOC2 6p25.3 Remodelling of actin cytoskeleton
BICC1 10q21.1 RNA binding protein; negative regulator of Wnt signalling
MECOM 3q26.2 Haematopoiesis, apoptosis, cell differentiation
CTTNBP2 7q31 Actin cytoskeletal assembly
CFTR Chloride channel
ETS1 11q24.3 Transcription factor
LOC107986141 3q25.1 Unknown
GWAS 1113/1826 African and African American EXOC4 7q33 Vesicle transport 81
GWAS 4986/58426 Multi-ethnic (European, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, African American) FMNL2 2q23.3 Effector for Rho GTPases 82
PDE7B 6q23.3 cAMP signalling
near ELN 7q11 Tropoelastin; extracellular matrix constituent
near TCF12 15q21.3 Wnt signalling
near IKZF2 2q34 Haematopoiesis
near DGKG 3q27 Lipid metabolism
3853/33480 European RSPO1 1p34.3 Wnt/ß-catenin signalling 83
GWAS Meta-Analysis DGKG 3q27 Lipid metabolism
PKHD1 6p12 Transmembrane protein
CTTNBP2 7q31 Actin cytoskeletal assembly
CDH11 16q21 Cell adhesion
GWAS 2320/2121 African APBB2 4p14–13 Binds to amyloid precursor protein 84
Rare variant analysis 10 775/421022 European ANGPTL7 (protective variants) 1p36.22 Extracellular matrix organisation; activated in response to dexamethasone and TGF-beta 85
GWAS 7947/119318 European/Australian COL8A2 1p34.3 Collagen type 8 alpha-2 chain 86
BRE 2p23.2 Stress response
THADA 2p21 Apoptosis
PNPT1 2p16.1 RNA processing and degradation
ANTXR1 2p13.3 Transmembrane protein
PARD3B 2q33.3 Formation of tight junctions
MIR4776–1 2q34 microRNA
KBTBD8 3p14.1 Innate immunity, neural crest specification
TSC22D2 3q25.1 Transcription factor binding
LPP 3q27–28 Cell adhesion
POU6F2 7p14.1 Early differentiation of ganglion cells
SEMA3C 7q21.11 Axon growth
TES 7q31.2 Cell adhesion, reorganisation of actin cytoskeleton
PRKAG2 7q36.1 Regulates energy metabolism; inhibits lipid biosynthesis
FBXO32 8q24.13 Component of ubiquitin-ligase complex
PCSK5 9q21.3 Post-transcriptional processing
RALGPS1 9q33.3 Cytoskeleton remodelling
PLCE1 10q23.33 Lipid metabolism
PTPRJ 11p11.2 Cell adhesion, vascular development
ME3 11q14.2 Mitochondrial function
TMTC2 12q21.31 Calcium homeostasis
SH2B3 12q24.12 Negative regulator of TNF signalling pathway
KLF5 13q22.1 Transcription activator
COL4A1 13q34 Collagen type 4 alpha 1 chain
NPC2 14q24.3 Regulates cholesterol transport
ZNF280D 15q21.3 Transcription factor
VPS13C 15q22.2 Maintains mitochondrial transmembrane potential
ADAMTS18 16q23.1 ECM homeostasis
BCAS3 17q23.2 Angiogenesis, autophagy
CASC20 20p12.3 long non-coding RNA
PTPN1 20q13.13 Negative regulator of insulin signalling pathway
EMID1 22q12.2 Unknown
TRIOBP 22q13.1 Neural tissue development, actin cytoskeleton organisation
GWAS Meta-Analysis 34 179/349321 Multi-ethnic (European, Asian, African) RERE 1p36.23 Ocular development 87
GLIS1 1p32.3 Transcription factor
ELOCP18/RPE65 1p31.3 Visual cycle function
GPR88 1p21.2 G-protein coupled receptor
DDR2 1q23.3 Cell adhesion, extracellular matrix remodelling
TRIB2 2p24.3 Immune function
ZNF638 2p13.2 Regulates adipogenesis
THRB 3p24.2 Mediates biological activities of thyroid hormone
ARHGEF3 3p14.3 Activates RhoA GTPase
ALCAM 3q13.11 Cell adhesion
SCFD2 4q12 Protein transport
FAM13A 4q22.1 Adipocyte differentiation
PITX2 4q25 Transcription factor; early ocular and systemic organogenesis
STOX2 4q35.1 Transcription factor
HLA-G 6p22.1 Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene
CLIC5 6p21.1 Chloride ion channel
GJA1/HSF2 6q22.31 Gap junction component/heat shock response
SLC2A12 6q23.2 Catalyses glucose uptake
CREB5 7p15–14 Inflammatory response
SEPT7 7p14.2 Cytokinesis
PCLO 7q21.11 Synaptic vesicle trafficking
SEMA3E Mediates reorganisation of Actin cytoskeleton
ANGPT2/MCPH1 8p23.1 TEK ligand; outflow pathway development
GTF2E2 8p12 Transcription initiation
SVEP1 9q31.3 Cell attachment, calcium ion binding
CELF2 10p14 mRNA processing
MIR4483 10q25.3 microRNA
PLEKHS1 Unknown
YAP1 11q22.1 Transcriptional regulator
CADM1 11q23.3 Cell adhesion
PTHL 12p11.22 Regulates epithelial/mesenchymal transition
CCDC91 Membrane trafficking
TTLL5 14q24.3 Coregulator of glucocorticoid mediated gene expression
SYNE3 14q32.13 Acting binding protein
SNHG10 Non-coding RNA
SMAD6 15q22.31 Negative regulator of TGF beta and BMP signalling
SLCO3A1 15q26.1 Activates NFkB
SV2B Vesicle trafficking and exocytosis
MAPT 17q21.31 Tau protein; microtubule assembly
NPEPPS 17q21.32 Neuroprotection
EYA2 20q13.12 Ocular development
GABPA 21q21.3 Transcriptional regulation of mitochondrial enzymes
APP Amyloid precursor protein
PSMG1 21q22.2 Proteasome assembly
LOC107985484 non-coding RNA
MXRA5 Xp22.33 TGFß1 target; cell adhesion and extracellular matrix remodelling
PRKX Macrophage development
GPM6B Xp22.2 Membrane trafficking
NDP Xp11.3 Activates Wnt/beta-catenin pathway
EFHC2 Calcium binding
TDGF1P3 Xq23 Unknown
CHRDL1 Ocular development, angiogenesis
Normal-tension glaucoma Genetic Linkage Analysis 131 families European-derived WDR36 5q22.1 Cell cycle progression, signal transduction, apoptosis, gene regulation 88
Genetic Linkage Analysis 54 families European-derived OPTN 10p13 Apoptosis, inflammation, vasoconstriction 89
Genetic Linkage Analysis 1 pedigree (Replicated in 2 additional patients) African American TBK1 12q14 Innate immunity, autophagy 90
GWAS 720/3443 European-derived CDKN2B-AS 9p21 Long non-coding RNA; regulates expression of CDKN2B, CDKN2A and other target genes 71
8q22 locus 8q22 Unknown; region is highly active in choroid plexus and non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells
GWAS meta-analysis 3247/47997 Multi-ethnic (European, Asian and African descent) LOC100147773 1q24.1 Unknown 87
FLNB 3p14.1 Actin cross-linking
GMDS 6p25.3 Fructose and mannose metabolism
ABCA1 9q31.1 Cholesterol efflux pump
SLC44A1 Glucose transport
C14orf39 14q23.1 Unknown
Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma GWAS 274/14672 Swedish and Icelandic LOXL1 15q24.1 Crosslinks collagen and elastin; pseudoexfoliation material constituent 91
GWAS 1484/1188 Japanese CACNA1A 19p13.13 Calcium ion channel 92
 GWAS 13 838/110275 Multi-ethnic (24 countries, 6 continents) POMP 13q12 Proteasome maturation protein 93
TMEM136 11q23.3 Transmembrane protein
AGPAT1 6p21 Role in lipid biosynthesis
RBMS3 3p24 RNA binding protein
SEMA6A 5q23 Transmembrane protein expressed in developing neural tissue
Primary angle closure glaucoma GWAS 1854/9608 Chinese, Malay, Indian, Vietnamese PLEKHA7 11p15.2–15.1 Maintenance of adherens junctions, organisation of Actin cytoskeleton 94
COL11A1 1p21.1 Collagen type 11 alpha subunit
PCMTD1 8q11.23 Unknown
ST18 Mediator of apoptosis and inflammation
GWAS 10 503/29567 Multi-ethnic (24 countries, 5 continents) EPDR1 7p14.1 Cell adhesion 95
CHAT 10q11.23 Acetylcholine synthesis (role in pupillary constriction)
GLIS3 9p24.2 Transcription factor with role in eye development
FERMT2 14q22.1 Extracellular matrix component, cell adhesion
DPM2 9q34.11 Glycosylation
FAM102A Unknown function; induced in response to oestrogen

GWAS, genome-wide association study.