Schematic representation of in vivo cell
tracking methods using
radionuclides. (A) (i) Indirect cell labeling and tracking; cells
transfected with a reported gene are administered into the living
subject, followed by a radiotracer targeting the specific reporter
gene/protein. This radiotracer can be administered over the lifetime
of a subject, allowing longitudinal imaging. (ii) Alternatively, cells
expressing an endogenous marker (e.g., T-cell receptor) are administered
into the living subject. Target uptake and distribution of the cells
can then be imaged in vivo by administration of a radiotracer targeting
the specific cell marker (e.g., radiolabeled antibodies). (B) Direct
cell labeling and tracking. Cells are radiolabeled in vitro/ex vivo
using a direct cell labeling agent. The cells are washed to remove
unreacted radiotracer and then administered in the living subject
for in vivo imaging using radionuclide imaging.