Fig. 2.
Comprehensive analyses of chromatin interactions and gene expression. a Genes with or without regulation by active promoters (P) and enhancers (E). Type I, genes without P and E; Type II, genes with E and without P; Type III, genes with P and without E; Type IV, genes with both E and P, respectively. b Expression of four types of genes in LW, type I (n=6381), type II (n=1308), type III (n=2163), and type IV (n=8314) by Mann-Whitney U single-tailed test with P values from left to right: 4.2×10−131, 1.0×10−38, and 6.9×10−60. c Donut plots (pie charts) of the percentages of loop interaction types. E–E, loops with both anchors covered with enhancers; P–P, loops with both anchors covered with active promoters; P–E, loops with one anchor covered with active promoter and the other anchor covered with enhancer; E-none, loops with just one anchor covered with enhancer; P-none, loops with just one anchor covered with active promoter; Unclear, loops with no anchor covered with active promoter and enhancer. d Expression of genes categorized according to the number of enhancers in LW. Linear regression of the mean gene expression level was performed (P value < 2.2 × 10−16, Kruskal−Wallis test). e Interaction of KCNS3 with different counts of enhancers in LW and MS. f Interaction of TAB1 with different counts of enhancers in LW and MS