Table 1. Definition of the landmarks used to orient and prepare the 3D images before analysis (Urbanová, 2016).
Landmark | Bilateral | Determination | Description |
Tragus (tr) | Yes | Manual | The most lateral point on the tragus |
Exocanthion (ex) | Yes | Manual | Lateral canthus of the eye |
Endocanthion (en) | Yes | Manual | Medial canthus of the eye |
Pupil (p) | Yes | Automatic | The center of the eye, calculated as the midpoint between the endo- and exocanthion |
Pronasale (prn) | No | Manual | Most anterior point on the midline of the nose |
Cheilion (ch) | Yes | Manual | Lateral point on the labial commissure |
Pupil reconstructed point (prp) | No | Automatic | Landmark that is automatically determined by averaging both end- and exocanthions |