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. 2022 Jun 7;10:e13281. doi: 10.7717/peerj.13281

Table 1. Definition of the landmarks used to orient and prepare the 3D images before analysis (Urbanová, 2016).

Landmark Bilateral Determination Description
Tragus (tr) Yes Manual The most lateral point on the tragus
Exocanthion (ex) Yes Manual Lateral canthus of the eye
Endocanthion (en) Yes Manual Medial canthus of the eye
Pupil (p) Yes Automatic The center of the eye, calculated as the midpoint between the endo- and exocanthion
Pronasale (prn) No Manual Most anterior point on the midline of the nose
Cheilion (ch) Yes Manual Lateral point on the labial commissure
Pupil reconstructed point (prp) No Automatic Landmark that is automatically determined by averaging both end- and exocanthions