Figure 1|. Neurons in the cortical grasp circuit encode grasp types.
A) Grasp images were used to cue motor imagery in a tetraplegic human. The task was composed of an inter-trial interval (ITI), a cue phase displaying one of the grasp images, a delay phase and an action phase. For the Go/No-Go task the action phase contained intermixed Go trials (green – performed motor imagery) and No-Go trials (red – rest). B) Example smoothed firing rates of neurons in SMG and PMv during Go and No-Go trials. Smoothed average firing rates of two example units (solid line: mean, shaded area: 95% bootstrapped confidence interval) for 8 trials of each grasp. Vertical dashed lines represent the beginning of each phase. C) Percentage of tuned units to grasps for Go trials in 50ms time bins in SMG, PMv and S1 over the trial duration. The gray lines represent cue and action analysis windows for figures E,F. D) Same as C) for No-Go trials. E) Stacked percentage of units tuned for each grasp in the ITI, cue and action phase windows during Go trials. Significance was calculated by comparing data to a shuffle distribution (striped lines, *** = p < 0.001). F) Same as E) for No-Go trials. G) Overlap of tuned units between the cue and action analysis windows during Go trials for SMG and PMv.