Fig. 7. Schematic of tortuosity descriptors.
(A) The topological descriptor is defined as the number of short bars in the barcode (connected components in dimension 0 barcodes with persistence of ≤10% of the maximal radius) normalized by the number of vessel segments. In this schematic, there are two vessels. This normalization ensures that the connected components in the tortuosity measure do not also count different vessel segments. This descriptor is in contrast to the topological tortuosity reported in (26), which did not have multiple vessel segments. (B) The clr (45) is the ratio between the chord connecting two ends of a curve (orange) and the path length of the curve (blue). Clr measures the deviation from a straight line. (C) The SOAM measures the sum of angles between consecutive tangents of a curve, so a high score is given to a curve rapidly changing direction.