Figure 2.
Si-based agent mitigated the inflammation of large intestine. Analysis of inflammation in the colon, using MRI and MRA. (A,B) Representative T2 weighted axial (left) and sagittal images (right) of the colon in the control (upper) and Si-based agent-treated groups (bottom) before treatment (A) and 5 days after 5% DSS treatment (B). Pre pretreatment, DSS 5 days after DSS treatment, Con control group, Si Si group. The colon of a control mouse (arrow) and an Si-based agent-treated mouse (arrowhead). (C) Average number of high signal intensity pixels in the axial image of the colon at the level of the pubis. White: Con-DSS group. Black: Si-DSS group. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM of five mice per group. *p < 0.05 vs. Con-DSS, determined by Student’s paired t-test. (D,E) Representative T2 weighted sagittal images of the colon (left) and images of blood vessels around the colon (right) in the control (upper) and Si-based agent-treated groups (bottom) before treatment (D) and 5 days after DSS treatment (E). (D,E) The colon of a control mouse (arrow) and an Si-based agent-treated mouse (arrowhead). Square: the subject of the blood vessel image around the colon. The abdominal aorta of a control mouse (arrow) and an Si-based agent-treated mouse (arrowhead).