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. 2022 Jun 11;20:268. doi: 10.1186/s12967-022-03461-0

Table 5.

The odd ratios of treatments for patients with and without chronic fatigue syndrome in difference subgroup of sex

Variable Control
(n = 6306)
(n = 6306)
Odds ratio
Female Crude (95% CI) p-value Adjusted (95% CI) p-value
No Yes No Yes
SSRI 2.36 (1.99,2.81)*** < 0.001 1.71 (1.42,2.06)*** < 0.001
 No 2815 3131 2639 2886
 Yes 152 208 328 453
SNRI 2.04 (1.51,2.75)*** < 0.001 1.42 (1.04,1.95)* 0.029
 No 2922 3273 2858 3207
 Yes 45 66 109 132
SARI 2.10 (1.77,2.5)*** < 0.001 1.46 (1.21,1.76)*** < 0.001
 No 2805 3122 2611 2913
 Yes 162 217 356 426
TCAs 2.25 (1.62,3.13)*** < 0.001 1.69 (1.2,2.38)** 0.003
 No 2911 3286 2891 3222
 Yes 56 53 76 117
BZD 2.22 (2.01,2.46)*** < 0.001 1.71 (1.53,1.92)*** < 0.001
 No 1663 1597 1133 975
 Yes 1304 1742 1834 2364
NDRI 2.16 (1.28,3.63)** 0.004 1.39 (0.8,2.4) 0.241
 No 2948 3318 2916 3294
 Yes 19 21 51 45
Muscle relaxant 1.89 (1.45,2.45)*** < 0.001 1.52 (1.15,2.01)** 0.003
 No 2889 3250 2836 3175
 Yes 78 89 131 164
Analgesic drug 13.54 (9.80,18.7)*** < 0.001 10.11 (7.26,14.09)*** < 0.001
 No 590 481 61 41
 Yes 2377 2858 2906 3298
Supportive individual psychotherapy 1.74 (1.42,2.13)*** < 0.001 1.19 (0.96,1.48) 0.121
 No 2851 3181 2731 3074
 Yes 116 158 236 265
Intensive individual psychotherapy 4.03 (1.85,8.76)*** < 0.001 2.76 (1.21,6.3)* 0.016
 No 2961 3331 2944 3307
 Yes 6 8 23 32
Re-educative individual psychotherapy 1.98 (1.61,2.44)*** < 0.001 1.26 (1.01,1.59)* 0.045
 No 2860 3197 2755 3069
 Yes 107 142 212 270
Stretching exercise 1.49 (1.26,1.77)*** < 0.001 1.30 (1.09,1.56)** 0.004
 No 2787 3097 2726 2990
 Yes 180 242 241 349
Therapeutic exercise 1.39 (1.22,1.59)*** < 0.001 1.24 (1.07,1.43)** 0.003
 No 2637 2898 2477 2756
 Yes 330 441 490 583
Brainwave examination, sleep or wakefulness 1.42 (0.99,2.04) 0.057 1.18 (0.81,1.74) 0.393
 No 2886 3288 2902 3267
 Yes 81 51 65 72
Variable Control
(n = 6306)
(n = 6306)
Odds ratio
Male Crude (95% CI) p-value Adjusted (95% CI) p-value
No Yes No Yes
SSRI 2.3 (1.89,2.81)*** < 0.001 1.70 (1.37,2.10)*** < 0.001
 No 3131 2815 2886 2639
 Yes 208 152 453 328
SNRI 2.48 (1.74,3.52)*** < 0.001 1.64 (1.13,2.38)** 0.009
 No 3273 2922 3207 2858
 Yes 66 45 132 109
SARI 2.36 (1.95,2.86)*** < 0.001 1.71 (1.38,2.10)*** < 0.001
 No 3122 2805 2913 2611
 Yes 217 162 426 356
TCAs 1.37 (0.96,1.94) 0.079 1.06 (0.73,1.53) 0.771
 No 3286 2911 3222 2891
 Yes 53 56 117 76
BZD 2.06 (1.86,2.29)*** < 0.001 1.69 (1.50,1.90)*** < 0.001
 No 1597 1663 975 1133
 Yes 1742 1304 2364 1834
NDRI 2.71 (1.60,4.61)*** < 0.001 1.81 (1.03,3.17)* 0.039
 No 3318 2948 3294 2916
 Yes 21 19 45 51
Muscle relaxant 1.71 (1.29,2.28)*** < 0.001 1.53 (1.13,2.07)** 0.005
 No 3250 2889 3175 2836
 Yes 89 78 164 131
Analgesic drug 11.82 (9.03,15.47)*** < 0.001 9.40 (7.11,12.43)*** < 0.001
 No 481 590 41 61
 Yes 2858 2377 3298 2906
Supportive individual psychotherapy 2.12 (1.69,2.67)*** < 0.001 1.38 (1.08,1.77)* 0.012
 No 3181 2851 3074 2731
 Yes 158 116 265 236
Intensive individual psychotherapy 3.86 (1.57,9.48)** 0.003 2.56 (1.00,6.57) 0.051
 No 3331 2961 3307 2944
 Yes 8 6 32 23
Re-educative individual psychotherapy 2.06 (1.62,2.61)*** < 0.001 1.39 (1.07,1.80)* 0.014
 No 3197 2860 3069 2755
 Yes 142 107 270 212
Stretching exercise 1.37 (1.12,1.67)** 0.002 1.21 (0.98,1.49) 0.081
 No 3097 2787 2990 2726
 Yes 242 180 349 241
Therapeutic exercise 1.58 (1.36,1.84)*** < 0.001 1.44 (1.23,1.69)*** < 0.001
 No 2898 2637 2756 2477
 Yes 441 330 583 490
Brainwave examination, sleep or wakefulness 0.8 (0.57,1.11) 0.181 0.75 (0.53,1.07) 0.117
 No 3288 2886 3267 2902
 Yes 51 81 72 65

CFS: chronic fatigue syndrome; CI: confidence interval;*P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001