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. 2022 Jun 11;4:31. doi: 10.1186/s42238-022-00138-9

Table 1.

Study population characteristics according to obesity status (ANRS CO22 Hepather cohort, N = 6348)

Variable (% of missing values) Central obesitya Underweight or normal weight Overweight Obesity
Study population (N = 6348) No (N = 2832) Yes (N = 3516) P-valueb BMI < 25 kg/m2 (N = 3443) 25 ≤ BMI < 30 kg/m2 (N = 2038) BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 (N = 867) P-value
N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)
 Male 3418 (53.8) 1744 (61.6) 1674 (47.6) < 10−3 1708 (49.6) 1288 (63.2) 422 (48.7) < 10−3
 Female 2930 (46.2) 1088 (38.4) 1842 (52.4) 1735 (50.4) 750 (36.8) 445 (51.3)
Age at baseline (years)
 Median [IQR] 56 [50–64] 53 [48–61] 58 [51–66] < 10−3 55 [49–63] 57 [50–65] 57 [50–65] < 10−3
Place of birth (0.1)
 France 4673 (73.6) 2188 (77.3) 2485 (70.7) < 10−3 2671 (77.6) 1460 (71.7) 542 (62.6) < 10−3
 Europe + North America + Latin America + Australiac 486 (7.7) 221 (7.8) 265 (7.5) 246 (7.1) 160 (7.9) 80 (9.2)
 North Africa + Middle East 576 (9.1) 212 (7.5) 364 (10.4) 259 (7.5) 207 (10.2) 110 (12.7)
 Sub-Saharan Africa + the Caribbeand 412 (6.5) 117 (4.1) 295 (8.4) 153 (4.4) 157 (7.7) 102 (11.8)
 Asia 198 (3.1) 93 (3.3) 105 (3.0) 113 (3.3) 53 (2.6) 32 (3.7)
Coffee consumption (0.7)
 0 cups/day 1795 (28.5) 733 (26.1) 1062 (30.4) < 10−3 915 (26.8) 594 (29.3) 286 (33.3) 0.002
 1–2 cups/day 2531 (40.2) 1087 (38.7) 1444 (41.4) 1 391 (40.7) 806 (39.8) 334 (38.9)
 ≥ 3 cups/day 1977 (31.4) 991 (35.3) 986 (28.2) 1112 (32.5) 627 (30.9) 238 (27.7)
Cannabis use
 Never 4271 (67.3) 1632 (57.6) 2639 (75.1) < 10−3 2131 (61.9) 1446 (71.0) 694 (80.0) < 10−3
 Former 1292 (20.4) 680 (24.0) 612 (17.4) 753 (21.9) 410 (20.1) 129 (14.9)
 Current 785 (12.4) 520 (18.4) 265 (7.5) 559 (16.2) 182 (8.9) 44 (5.1)
Tobacco smoking
 Never 2390 (37.7) 861 (30.4) 1529 (43.5) < 10−3 1200 (34.9) 795 (39.0) 395 (45.6) < 10−3
 Former 1747 (27.5) 730 (25.8) 1017 (28.9) 866 (25.2) 616 (30.2) 265 (30.6)
 Current 2210 (34.8) 1241 (43.8) 969 (27.6) 1377 (40.0) 627 (30.8) 206 (23.8)
Alcohol consumption (0.4)
 Abstinent without past unhealthy use 2723 (43.1) 1084 (38.4) 1639 (46.8) < 10−3 1401 (40.8) 888 (43.8) 434 (50.4) < 10−3
 Moderate use 2521 (39.9) 1241 (44.0) 1280 (36.6) 1448 (42.2) 786 (38.7) 287 (33.3)
 Unhealthy use (past or current) 1077 (17.0) 496 (17.6) 581 (16.6) 582 (17.0) 355 (17.5) 140 (16.3)
Living in poverty (2.6)
 No 4303 (69.6) 1974 (71.6) 2329 (67.9) 0.002 2411 (72.0) 1372 (68.8) 520 (61.7) < 10−3
 Yes 1883 (30.4) 782 (28.4) 1101 (32.1) 939 (28.0) 621 (31.2) 323 (38.3)
Education level (1.1)
 < upper secondary school certificate 3396 (54.1) 1359 (48.5) 2037 (58.6) < 10−3 1710 (50.3) 1148 (56.7) 538 (63.0) < 10−3
 ≥ upper secondary school certificate 2883 (45.9) 1443 (51.5) 1440 (41.4) 1692 (49.7) 875 (43.3) 316 (37.0)
Employed (0.4)
 No 3518 (55.6) 1308 (46.4) 2210 (63.1) < 10−3 1797 (52.4) 1146 (56.4) 575 (66.7) < 10−3
 Yes 2807 (44.4) 1513 (53.6) 1294 (36.9) 1633 (47.6) 887 (43.6) 287 (33.3)
Advanced liver fibrosise (6.6)
 No 4391 (74.0) 2049 (78.4) 2342 (70.6) < 10−3 2429 (75.9) 1387 (72.3) 575 (70.8) 0.001
 Yes 1541 (26.0) 566 (21.6) 975 (29.4) 772 (24.1) 532 (27.7) 237 (29.2)
Time since HCV diagnosis (years) (2.0)
 Median [IQR] 14.0 [6.7–19.8] 14.4 [6.8–19.9] 13.7 [6.7–19.7] 0.126 14.4 [7.2–20.0] 13.8 [6.8–19.6] 12.7 [6.0–19.1] 0.002
HCV treatment history
 Never 3289 (51.8) 1586 (56.0) 1703 (48.4) < 10−3 1938 (56.3) 960 (47.1) 391 (45.1) < 10−3
 Interferon-based 2278 (35.9) 947 (33.4) 1331 (37.9) 1146 (33.3) 794 (39.0) 338 (39.0)
 1st or 2nd generation DAA 616 (9.7) 226 (8.0) 390 (11.1) 267 (7.8) 231 (11.3) 118 (13.6)
 Other 165 (2.6) 73 (2.6) 92 (2.6) 92 (2.7) 53 (2.6) 20 (2.3)

BMI body mass index, DAA direct-acting antiviral, HCV hepatitis C virus, IQR interquartile range

aCentral obesity was defined as having a waist circumference ≥ 94 cm for men (except for men born in Asia, Central or South America, for whom the cut-off was set at 90 cm) and ≥ 80 cm for women (World Health Organization 2019)

bThe chi-squared and Student’s t tests were used in these comparisons for categorical and continuous variables, respectively

c23 participants were born in Latin America, 15 in the USA, and 2 in Australia

d10 participants were born in the Caribbean

eAdvanced liver fibrosis was defined as an FIB-4 score >3.25 (Sterling et al. 2006)